Who According To The Horoscope Of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Who According To The Horoscope Of Vladimir Zhirinovsky
Who According To The Horoscope Of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Vladimir Zhirinovsky is one of the most striking characters on the Russian political scene. Astrologers claim that the sign of the zodiac under which he was born played a significant role in his popularity.

Who according to the horoscope of Vladimir Zhirinovsky
Who according to the horoscope of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Zodiac sign of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Vladimir Zhirinovsky was born on April 25, 1946 in Alma-Ata. His father, Wolf Isaakovich Eidelstein, was a Polish Jew who in Soviet times moved to Kazakhstan, where he met his mother, Alexandra Pavlovna, who nee had the surname Makarova. Later, however, he was again deported to Poland, and his mother remarried - to Vladimir Andreevich Zhirinovsky, who became the stepfather of the politician. Born Vladimir, as was customary, was given the name of his father. However, having reached the age of 18, he decided to change his surname and changed documents, taking the name of his stepfather.

Like everyone who was born on April 25, Vladimir Zhirinovsky falls under the influence of the zodiacal constellation Taurus, through which the Sun passes every year from April 21 to May 21. This sign belongs to the elements of the Earth, therefore, astrologers believe that it was these facts that had the greatest impact on the personality of the politician. However, they argue, other factors can be traced in this situation.

Influence of the zodiac sign

Experts in the field of astrology claim that the main traits of people born under the zodiacal constellation Taurus are practicality, composure and dedication. The entire political career of Vladimir Zhirinovsky confirms this postulate: he founded his first political organization, which he called the Liberal Democratic Party, at the age of 21, and since then has not abandoned his goal of making it the ruling party in the country. At the same time, Vladimir Zhirinovsky himself ran for the post of President of Russia five times.

Astrologers call the negative features of Taurus the excessive stubbornness and authoritarianism, which are also quite clearly visible even to an outside observer in the personality of Vladimir Zhirinovsky. In addition, people born under the sign of Taurus are quite vindictive and remember the wrongs inflicted on them for a long time, although they usually do not seek to avenge them.

At the same time, astrologers believe that Taurus are usually quite soft and pleasant people to talk to, respectful of others and show politeness. Only exceptional events are capable of infuriating them, for example, forcing them to protect their ideals or the reputation of loved ones. However, the public image of Vladimir Zhirinovsky suggests that even less significant events are capable of bringing him into a state of exaltation. This, experts in the field of astrology believe, is a kind of echo of the influence of the "neighboring" zodiac sign - Aries, which precedes the sign of Taurus and ends on April 20.
