How To Paint With Henna

How To Paint With Henna
How To Paint With Henna

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Decorating yourself with temporary tattoos is a sweet thing to do when the warm days come. Henna drawings are original, attract attention, delight their owners. They last from 10 to 14 days, and do not have time to get bored at all. It is safe and very beautiful to draw with henna on the body; even a child can get such a tattoo.

How to paint with henna
How to paint with henna

It is necessary

  • - henna;
  • - silk fabric;
  • - juice of one lemon;
  • - strongly brewed tea;
  • - vegetable oil;
  • - plastic bag.


Step 1

Take a packet of regular henna. Sift it through a silk cloth. The finished material should be ¼ glass.

Step 2

Mix the strongly brewed tea with lemon juice, stir the ingredients very well. Pour the mixture into the henna in small portions. Stir very quickly to avoid clumping. Pay attention to the structure of the mixture to be made: it should be viscous and thick. Perhaps the lemon with tea will even remain. Cover the mixture with henna and let it brew for 4 hours.

Step 3

While the henna is infusing, prepare a special cone with which you will apply paint. To do this, use an unnecessary plastic bag. Make sure there are no holes in it. It is good if it is made of sufficiently strong plastic. For the necessary manipulations, it is easiest to use the angle from the bag.

Step 4

When the paint is infused, place it in the prepared cone. Use rubber gloves to avoid getting dirty. Also, keep the edges of the cellophane clean. Tie or tape the top of the cone.

Step 5

Prepare a mixture with which you can erase the failed part of the applied design. Mix 3 teaspoons of sugar with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Prepare a knitted rag and cotton pad. Please note that it is necessary to erase the error immediately, before the paint has time to be absorbed. If you need to remove a small blot in the drawing, use a needle with a blunt end: gently bring it up and, pressing lightly, remove a little bit of paint.

Step 6

It is necessary to apply the pattern on the prepared surface. To do this, lubricate with a small amount of vegetable oil the part of the body on which you are preparing to paint. Cut off the very tip of the cone and start creating!
