Ninjutsu or in translation from the Japanese language "art of stealth" is a martial art that originated in Japan. It is believed that the first secret ninja clans appeared in the 9th-12th centuries in the Shingon school of Buddhism. Then the monks underwent very long and grueling training, and were also well versed in medicine and astrology.

How to learn the art of ninjutsu?
It is quite possible to learn this ancient skill not only in Japan itself, since at present there are ninjutsu clubs in large Russian cities, and the leaders of some of them were trained in the east and brought a real Japanese spirit to Russia.
In such clubs of interest, which are especially numerous in Moscow, you can not only learn martial arts, which partially, but still coincide with others, but also learn the real philosophy of ninjutsu, which includes ninja equipment. Each part of the latter has its own symbolic meaning and name. So the famous black camouflage suit is called "shinobi-shozoku", a removable cape - "kawaggi-go-mono", a cone-shaped straw hat - "amigasa", heavy chain mail armor - "kusari-katabira", light armor - "tatami-gusoku", and the shields are "tetsu-no kame" and "jigu-itasa", depending on the design.
Much attention in the ninjuku clubs, where training in this art is conducted, is also paid to the study of Japanese military weapons. They could be rifle varieties, incendiary means, poisonous mixtures, various fuses and wicks, various swords, spears, axes and knives, as well as battle poles and clubs, throwing arrows, knives and the famous shurikens.
The basics of ninjutsu teaching
They consist in the realization that any person can never achieve a state of absolute security, and any of his actions violates world harmony, giving rise to reciprocal resistance. That is why the most important ninja skill is the ability to be always alert, as well as the skill of minimizing the unwanted consequences of disharmony.
Thus, the entire art of ninjuku is divided into three conventional and basic blocks. The first includes the art of using literally every object of the environment, one way or another related to one of the five elements - Water, Fire, Earth, Wood and Metal. The second consists in an effective method of dealing with an armed or unarmed enemy (it includes "taijutsu" - the art of controlling the body and "bu-jutsu" - working with weapons). The third is the ability to mobilize all internal physical and mental forces in a matter of seconds, which entails the achievement of an altered state of consciousness.
In improving the last block, special psycho-training and meditation play an important role.