To remove spoilage yourself or cleanse yourself of other negative influences, you can use several simple and effective techniques that have proven effective.

Step 1
It is believed that any time is suitable for removing damage, since you should not postpone getting rid of such negativity for a long time, but in many cases rituals performed during the waning of the moon show themselves best. During treatment for spoilage, it is advisable to exclude alcohol, tobacco and animal food for at least a few weeks.
Step 2
Weak types of spoilage can be tried to be removed with the help of breathing exercises, which generally helps to get rid of negativity. For this method, you only need a stopwatch. Sit at a table, put the stopwatch in front of you, straighten your back, put your hands on your legs or stretch them along your body, exhale all the air forcefully, then hold your breath for about twenty seconds. After that, restore breathing, catch your breath and repeat the procedure 5-10 more times. It is best to perform these exercises every day for at least a month, this will not only remove damage, but also save you from possible negative influences.
Step 3
If in this way it is not possible to remove the damage, you can use church candles and prayers (this method is suitable for Christians and unbaptized, but believers). Buy a consecrated candle in the church (you can buy several with a margin if the ritual does not work right away), return home, take a candle in your right hand and start driving it from bottom to top and from top to bottom in front of you. Read the prayer "Our Father" aloud or silently, then cross yourself with this candle seven times, without stopping reading the prayer. So you can remove damage not only from yourself, but also from other people.
Step 4
The order in the church of a prayer for health for 40 days helps from damage. This is a good option for Christians, but rarely helps adherents of other religions.
Step 5
For those who profess other religions, you can try to remove spoilage with the help of well-known cleansing rituals and prayers. If you think that damage is directed at you, you should not turn to all religions you know, this will only harm you, deprive you of energy.
Step 6
If you think that prayer is not right for you, buy a rock crystal crystal (you can buy a pendant or other jewelry with this stone), carry it with you for several weeks, for example, the full lunar cycle, then bury it in the ground at the same time … The stone will remove all negativity and damage from you, and the earth will cleanse it. In the future, you can use it already as an amulet, which will simply avert such ill-intentioned influences.