If a person has free time, you can start looking for ancient treasures, arrange funny flash mobs with like-minded people, make your own movie, or hitchhike.

But first, it's better to strengthen the body
At any age, you can seriously get carried away with dancing. Lessons in Argentine tango, salsa or hustle will not only strengthen the body, but also provide interesting acquaintances.
To start playing football or volleyball, you don't have to go to a special section. It is enough to gather with friends in an open area and start friendly battles. Such games can be continued all year round, even in winter. If only there was enough enthusiasm.
Experienced athletes say that it is only after 18 years that you can start lifting serious weights. Because at this age, the spine and other bones in the human body are finally strengthened. If you dreamed of a beautiful figure, and have come of age, it's time to start "swinging".
And in winter you can ski from the mountains. Or play hockey. And not only men can do this. More and more girls are interested in this sport.
Romance hikes
Lovers of romance can be carried away by hiking, cycling or even water trips along rivers and lakes on rafts or boats. There are large associations of people who constantly create new routes, prepare, correspond on the Internet, and then go on trips together.
And it is very helpful if you start learning to sing and play the guitar. During the hikes, singing beautiful songs with a guitar around the fire, you can easily become the "soul" of the company.
Creative life
You can also join the community of flash mobs lovers. Get together with other funny inventors and put on interesting public shows.
And if you learn how to write scripts and handle the camera, then you can shoot an amateur film with friends. Maybe this film will be noticed by professionals, and the path to a new interesting profession will open for you.
other hobbies
Among your environment there may be people who know how to make from simple matches not only toy houses, but even entire settlements. Such an activity can be so exciting that it will take up all your free time.
Joint trips to the theater with friends can give you many joyful moments. Especially if your favorite actors are performing. It is much more interesting to see them "live" than on the TV screen.
And you can start looking for treasures. In the vastness of Russia there are still many unexplored places where large settlements stood in ancient times. The process of studying historical archives can not only be very exciting, but, ultimately, bring good luck. Perhaps this hobby will not only develop your horizons, but also allow you to find a rare coin or an old saber.
Well, if you have completely sat up at home and want to see the world, but money is not enough, you should think about hitchhiking. This method of travel is far from the most comfortable, and sometimes not safe, but vivid impressions and meetings with interesting people will be guaranteed.