Minecraft in its classic incarnation is a "mining" game, where one of the most important tasks is the extraction of various resources for construction and crafting. However, the gamer also has to be at least a little warrior, since many hostile mobs are eager to take his life, and in multiplayer with pvp, there are also other players. In such a situation, you cannot do without suitable armor.

Create a bib without plugins and modifications
In Minecraft, there are four necessary elements to protect the player from being hit by weapons and from some other types of external destructive effects - a helmet, greaves, boots and a breastplate (breastplate). Not all gamers immediately create a full set of armor, but first of all they are in a hurry to protect their chest - after all, it is she who will first of all strive to hit the enemy. Therefore, it happens that, first of all, the gamer seeks to craft just the bib.
In a regular game, without any mods, it is possible to create such an item from several types of materials, and the difference between them will be only in the margin of safety. So, leather armor is rightfully considered the weakest, gold is slightly better than it, iron is even stronger, and diamond will be the most durable. There is also an opportunity to get chain mail, which is only slightly inferior in fortress to iron, but it usually goes to players ready-made. To craft it, you need blocks of pure fire, and you won't be able to get them without cheats and mods.
To create a breastplate, you will need eight ingots of iron or gold, pieces of leather or diamonds - depending on what kind of armor is supposed to be made. They will occupy almost all the workbench slots - with the exception of the middle cell of the upper horizontal row.
Extraction of resources for the cuirass and its enchantment
It will be easy to get leather for such crafting if there are cows or horses nearby. When they are killed, the corresponding loot will drop out. In addition, when playing on some maps, pieces of leather end up in the gamer's inventory while still in the starter set.
Iron, gold or diamonds are usually mined in underground mines, but with varying degrees of success. It is especially difficult to find diamond ore, and it is found in chunks in relatively small quantities - up to nine or eleven blocks. Any of these materials must be remelted in a furnace to obtain ingots or diamonds.
The breastplate can be enchanted for greater durability. In the regular game, options are available to endow him with resistance to fire, explosions and projectiles, as well as significantly increase the degree of protection given to him.
Mods for special types of armor
Beloved by many gamers, the Industrial Craft modification brought interesting types of armor (including bibs) to the game. Here two varieties of it appear - nanofiber and quantum, with the first serving as the basis for crafting the second.
To create a nanokirasy, you will need the materials usual for the above-mentioned mod - an energy crystal and carbon fiber. The first is obtained by combining a diamond on the workbench (it should be placed in the center slot) and eight units of redstone dust
CFRP is made by compressing carbon fiber in a compressor. By the way, such a fabric is crafted from two units of carbon fiber, which, in turn, is obtained from the dust generated when coal is ground in a crusher.
A nanofiber vest is created in much the same way as a bib from more familiar materials, but an energy crystal is placed in the central slot, and only seven CFRP plates are used. Such armor does not wear out, but it needs to be recharged periodically.
The Quantum Breastplate will protect the player even from a nuclear explosion, not to mention drowning, electric shock and enemy weapons. Such a bib can be crafted by placing a nano-vest in the center of the upper row, under it - an azuretron crystal and a composite - two more units of it will be located on both sides of the vest. The remaining four places will be occupied by the iridium composite plates.
Some mods - for example, Obsidian Armor and Tools - add to the game the ability to craft obsidian armor, including a chestpiece. It is made according to the same principle as leather, gold, diamond or iron, but it has much greater strength than they. This is very useful in gameplay, especially in the fight against the most powerful mobs. Therefore, this mod is worth trying.