What Are The Conspiracies For Hair Growth

What Are The Conspiracies For Hair Growth
What Are The Conspiracies For Hair Growth

There are a huge number of modern medical treatments for hair care. But many people try to remember about the past, about their roots and try to use ancient proven means for their growth.

What are the conspiracies for hair growth
What are the conspiracies for hair growth

Sometimes the hair does not want to grow well, no matter how carefully the hostess takes care of it. And women with long hair notice that they began to fall out with such intensity that their length decreases every month.

Why does hair grow poorly?

There may be many reasons for this, both secret and obvious. The first may be due to the fact that the hair was cut on the waning moon, as well as damage. Damage to baldness, for example, can dry out hair, even the thickest and longest.

Folk conspiracies and rituals can help restore the energy of hair and restore beauty and vitality to them.

There are many conspiracies for hair growth. Many women resort to this method when other options have been exhausted.

If a woman's hair falls out in tatters, on the new moon one has to stand on the threshold of an apartment or house, clasp his hands with a lock on his head, read the following conspiracy three times: “Month-Month was born, so the hair on the head of God's slave (name) is born and arrives. In the sky, no one counted the stars, and the servant of God (name) hair multiplies and multiplies and thickens. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

A conspiracy to keep hair from falling out. They read for a young month, while you need to get up to the window and comb your hair. Monday is best suited for reading this conspiracy: “Pole to a grain, and light to the sun. Crown to comb, hair to hair. Amen.

Conspiracies for good hair growth

In order to restore hair growth, this conspiracy is read on Saturday, on the water, where they washed their hair. Put a mirror in the water, looking into it, pronounce a conspiracy, while moistening the hair starting from the top. “Bath voditsa, I will receive medical treatment for you. Grow, hair, like a spike in a field, pour in by force, do not dry, do not break, swarm, settle in the nest, and shrug off the servant of God (name), brace yourself, do not split. Neither a sore head, nor solid water, nor a Duma thought will spoil the hair. Grow your hair, strengthen yourself with the morning sun, cleanse yourself with a fresh wind, protect your hair for a whole century, like a ripe ear of wheat. Most Holy Theotokos, circle my hair from the eye of the envious, eyes in front and behind the beholder. My words are strong, agreed, uttered to the servant of God (name). Amen.

After reading the conspiracy, many women note that the situation has improved.

Tear nine leaves from nettles and birch, insist in water. Read the conspiracy three times, moisten the roots of the hair with infused water: “As you, birch and nettles, flaunt green foliage, so I, the servant of God (name), give strength from the branches, from under the roots, from the roots, so that the servant of God (name) with hair became curly and rich. Neither the witch, nor the sorceress, nor the evil, nor the good will spoil my hair. Amen.
