What Are Fibonacci Numbers

What Are Fibonacci Numbers
What Are Fibonacci Numbers

Table of contents:


Almost no autobiographical information has survived about the first major mathematician of the Middle Ages, Leonardo of Pisa. No lifetime portraits, no exact dates of birth and death. And only one nickname remained from the name - Fibonacci. But his amazing mathematical discoveries are known to this day.

Fibonacci cat
Fibonacci cat

It is necessary

  • Fibonacci numbers are an infinite series of numbers, in which each subsequent number is equal to the sum of the two previous ones and is 1.618 times larger than the previous one:
  • 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610…


Step 1

The Fibonacci series starts at one. The previous number (0) is added to it:

1 + 0 = 1

The previous number (1) is added to the resulting unit again: 1 + 1 = 2

And so on: 2 + 1 = 3; 3 + 2 = 5; 5 + 3 = 8; 8 + 5 = 13; 13 + 8 = 21 …

Starting from 3, each next number in the Fibonacci row will be 1.6 times larger than the previous one. Let's check:

5/3 = 1, 6

8/5 = 1, 6

13/8 = 1, 6

21/13 = 1, 6 …….. 610 / 377 = 1, 6

If the sequence of Fibonacci numbers is graphically depicted in the form of a rectangle and then connected with smooth lines, you get a spiral similar to the nautilus shell.


Step 2

1.61803399 is the Phi number, which reflects the rule of the golden ratio for creating ideal proportions, which has found application in the visual arts and architecture.


Step 3

It is not known exactly whether the human eye is able to distinguish harmony from disharmony, but many architects, artists, designers and photographers use the rule of the Golden Ratio in their creations. It is featured in many masterpiece buildings, from the Parthenon to the Sydney Opera House and the National Gallery in London.


Step 4

For a long time, the golden ratio was considered a divine measure, reflecting the laws of the universe.

Joint works of modern biologists, physicists and mathematicians have shed light on the mystery of this number series. Fibonacci numbers are found everywhere in nature. Everything that has a form, is formed, grows, tends to take a place in space - has a tendency to spirality.


Step 5

The sequence of Fibonacci numbers is in the arrangement of leaves on the stems, branches on the trunks, which grow in a certain amount, at a certain angle. This phenomenon is called phyllotaxis.

Examples of phyllotaxis include: the ordering of inflorescences, sunflower seeds, the structure of pine cones, pineapple and broccoli.

The Fibonacci rule is also found in the structure of the honeycomb. And, in the so-called "genealogical trees" of bees.


Step 6

Clam shells, petals, seeds, spiral galaxy, DNA shape and even natural phenomena - everything obeys the law of Fibonacci numbers. These are patterns that indicate the existence of the Higher Mind.


Step 7

Fibonacci numbers are hidden in the proportions of the human body, if they were perfect. And also in certain parts of the body, for example, in the structure of the hand.

Human genetic patterns in terms of the number of possible ancestors on the line of inheritance of the X chromosome also correspond to the rules of Fibonacci numbers.


Step 8

Thus, a certain formative principle is traced, an algorithm to which nature and its various manifestations are subject.

Who is this Architect of the Universe who tried to make it perfect? Was he fulfilling his intentions or was he prevented by mutations, errors and failures in the conceived program.
