Among the abundance of decorations in a floral-fruity style, sometimes you want to find something unexpected and extravagant. And even better - not to find, but to do. For example, a beaded brooch in the shape of a spider. It will serve as a good alternative to delicate girlish accessories.

It is necessary
Beads, fishing line, wire
Step 1
For weaving, you will need black and dark gray beads, as well as a couple of larger beads for the eyes. Use a wire as a base - thin enough to thread it through the bead 3-4 times, but at the same time it is not brittle with multiple bends.
Step 2
String 18 beads onto the wire. The first and last one should be gray. Place the entire mass in the center of the wire. Thread its right end into the second bead from the end and pass it through all the following beads up to and including the eleventh bead. Do the same with the second end of the wire.
Step 3
String five beads onto the free part of the working thread, then thread the other end of the wire towards them.
Step 4
The next row consists of 6 beads, set in the same way. Then string 9 foot beads on each side of the wire. Pass the wire through them in the same way as described in item 2, going around the extreme bead and threading the thread through all the others.
Step 5
According to the described technology, dial the remaining rows - 7, 8 and 7 beads sequentially for the insect body, 11 - for the legs, 6 and 5 - again for the calf and 11 - for the last pair of legs.
Step 6
Form the head from three rows of 4 beads, place one bead of a new color (for example, green) on the ends of the wire, marking the eyes of the woven spider.
Step 7
The result is a recognizable yet flat spider silhouette. If you are ready to spend a little more time and effort, you can weave a bulky brooch. This time, you don't need a wire, but a fishing line, which should also go through the hole at least three times. The main thing in this weaving method is to pull the thread as tightly as possible so that the rows bend in an arc and form rings in pairs.
Step 8
Cast on six beads on the line and place them in the middle. Pass the right end of the fishing line through the three outer beads and tighten both ends, which, as a result, go through the beads towards each other. Then take five beads and thread both ends of the line into them - when you pull it, you get an arc. String and tighten five more beads, which, in combination with the previous arc, form a ring.
Step 9
Continue to weave the product to the desired size, adding two beads in each new circle. As soon as the diameter is sufficient, subtract the number of beads by two, leaving three in the last row. Make insect legs out of beads on the basis of the wire, threading its ends into the beads on the sides of the product. Now you have a voluminous spider brooch.