How To Do A Tarot Card Divination

How To Do A Tarot Card Divination
How To Do A Tarot Card Divination

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Maps can show the future or suggest the correct solution to a problem. But in order for them to give a clear answer, you need to formulate the question correctly and carry out the fortune-telling rite itself.

How to do a tarot card divination
How to do a tarot card divination

It is necessary

  • - a deck of tarot cards;
  • - a book with interpretation and layouts on the Tarot cards.


Step 1

Carefully read the book or instructions that came with the cards. Examine all the layouts, choose the one that suits you best or that you like best. Read the interpretation of all cards thoughtfully. If something is not clear to you, find the interpretation of this card on the Internet. Organize a place for divination. The table should not be dusty or dirty. If you feel like it, or if it helps you tune in, cover the table with a tablecloth or light candles.

How to do a tarot card divination
How to do a tarot card divination

Step 2

You can use a separate table specifically for divination, but this is not necessary. If you wish, you can learn the interpretation and order of the cards by heart. This will allow you to guess wherever you are without instructions. If you want to gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of the Tarot, carefully consider the pictures on them. The images in different decks are different, but no matter which artist painted them, he tried to convey the meaning of the card in the drawings. You can't wrinkle the deck, shuffle carefully.

How to do a tarot card divination
How to do a tarot card divination

Step 3

Sometimes cards turned upside down are interpreted differently. In this case, they have the opposite meaning. Expand a trial alignment for a situation that you already know the solution to. Check the interpretation. If the cards are wrong, try a different hand. Choose the most truthful layout method. Now tell fortunes on the problem or dilemma that interests you.

How to do a tarot card divination
How to do a tarot card divination

Step 4

You need to be able to ask the question correctly. You cannot ask the cards: "Am I going to die?" The cards will say yes, because you are not immortal. You need to ask specific questions: long, but understandable. You need to try to mentally outline the situation you are interested in and ask your question about it. An example of a correct question: "I am flying to that place tomorrow, will the flight go well?" The cards will either reassure you that nothing bad will happen, or they will tell you in detail what exactly will go wrong.

How to do a tarot card divination
How to do a tarot card divination

Step 5

Shuffle the cards carefully and arrange them in the layout you need. Explain the meaning of each card separately. Compare with your situation. Then consider all the meanings of the cards as a whole, without separating from each other. They are part of one layout and each individual element complements the other. This big picture should answer your question. If something is not clear to you, draw an additional card, mentally asking a clarifying question. After the fortune-telling, remove the cards to the place allotted to them.
