Divination Tarot: Wheel Of Fate

Divination Tarot: Wheel Of Fate
Divination Tarot: Wheel Of Fate

Tarot cards are one of the most popular divination systems. History is silent about the time and place of the appearance of these attributes of divination; reliable information has not been preserved about who invented the very system of alignment and interpretation.

Divination tarot: wheel of fate
Divination tarot: wheel of fate

Birth of cards

There are several hypotheses and legends about the origin of the Tarot cards. One of the legends, the most beautiful, says that the Tarot cards sprouted from a temple in Ancient Egypt. The temple itself was the site of occult initiation. The initiate himself walked along a long corridor along which caryatids were placed in the form of 12 sphinxes on both sides. Images with mystical figures were located between the sphinxes. 22 pictures with images and became the prototype of 22 senior lasso. Receiving instructions from the priest, the initiate opened a new lasso, which was associated with a certain formula or law of human existence.

Another legend is not so beautiful, but testifies to the more ancient origin of Tarot divination - already 300 BC. And the roots of the cards are ancient Hebrew kabbalistic.

Many other legends attribute the creation of maps to the abbot, sages of the east and priests of Egypt. In general, some characters who have knowledge hidden for others. In Europe in the Middle Ages, only monks could possess such specific knowledge. Therefore, it can be assumed that the author could be a certain clan of clergy, in which the hidden meaning of the Tarot signs was known.

Deck composition

A standard deck has two parts. The first part is the major arcana, there are 22 cards. The second minor arcana tarot - 56 cards. In turn, minor arcana are of four suits (suites). The first is swords. The second is the bowls. The third is pentacles. The fourth is the wands. Moreover, each suit of the Tarot deck includes 14 cards. The deck begins with an ace - and this is 1, up to ten cards are numbered. The rest are called the court: jack, knight, king and queen.

When laying out fortune-telling, it is worth considering that not only the direct, but also the inverted position of the cards matters. When conducting fortune-telling, you should focus only on the cards, throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head, and not be distracted by external stimuli. By the way, this method of prediction helps to develop intuition. With its help, you can see the current situation with different eyes.

Guessing on your own at home, you can write down which cards fall out by date. Then it will be useful to keep track of dates, predictions according to maps and events that happened in life.


In the tarot card divination system, there are many options for layouts. The simplest is the "One card" layout. It boils down to answering a specific question. The meaning of the card is interpreted according to the question posed. Fortune-telling on three cards is very popular: it was, is and will be. Using this scheme, you can look into the future and understand the past, both on the personal front and at work. Broader layouts will help to understand the current situation, prompt the outcome of the business started and open the door to the future, and to believe it or not is a personal matter.
