Plasticine crafts develop hand motor skills, so they are ideal for spending time with your child. In addition, they are cognitive in nature. First, the baby will observe the process, and then he will try to repeat the actions of an adult. In this case, you can accompany the work with a story about where the bird lives, what it eats, etc.

Necessary materials
To make a bird from plasticine, you need to prepare a stack, plasticine, a board or litter for modeling and the workplace itself. Plasticine will need black, gray, red, yellow, white colors.
Sculpting a bird
First you need to take a small piece of black plasticine. Its size depends on what kind of bird you want to make - large, medium or small. Then the plasticine is rolled in the shape of a sausage. Further, the workpiece is bent, dividing into the body and neck.
Then you need to bend the figure again - this is the future head of the bird. The ends of the craft must be sharpened - the part of the body, which is the basis for the tail, and the head.
After that, two balls are made from a contrasting piece of plasticine, which are proportional in size to the bird's head. Ball eyes are attached to the head on both sides. Further, they must be flattened to the discs.
A beak in the shape of a cone or pyramid is molded from a red plasticine ball. When the beak is ready, it is neatly attached to the bird's head so that its shape does not change.
At the next stage, the wings of the bird are molded. Two balls of gray plasticine are taken, flattened, with the help of fingers a notch is made on them in the form of a droplet. After that, they are neatly attached to the body of the craft.
To make a tail, you need to roll out a part in the form of a sausage from black plasticine. This element is made flat. If desired, it can be rounded, in the form of two teeth or with a recess.
The ponytail is attached to the body. If desired, this part can be highlighted using white plasticine. Small feathers in the form of flat droplets are made from it, which are attached to the tail. The plasticine bird is ready.
If it was conceived to make a bullfinch, then the abdomen of the bird stands out with the help of red plasticine. To do this, a small ball is rolled, flattened and attached to the body of the craft. Its edges are neatly smoothed out.
Making a nest
For completeness, you can build a nest for the bird. It will be necessary to roll out long thin sausages from plasticine in the amount of 3 pieces. When they are ready, it is worth twisting them into a snail, which needs to be shaped into a nest.
The eggs on which the bird will sit will complement the picture. So that she is not alone, you can mold a couple more bullfinches, which can be placed on a previously prepared plasticine hemp.