How To Get Pregnant In Feng Shui

How To Get Pregnant In Feng Shui
How To Get Pregnant In Feng Shui

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Not everyone who wants to have children can do it quickly. You can facilitate the process of conception by arranging the space of the apartment according to the rules of feng shui.


Step 1

Feng Shui is the Taoist practice of symbolically organizing space. It is believed that a properly developed and decorated living space (room, apartment or house) helps to put life in order, to achieve certain success.

Step 2

First of all, you need to make a proportional drawing of your apartment or house on a piece of paper. If you are good with spatial imagination, you can do it in your mind. After that, you need to determine the cardinal points and calculate the western part of your home. The easiest way to do this is with a compass.

Step 3

The western part of the apartment or house is responsible for the children; it should not contain rubble, dust and various debris that attract negative energy. Sharp objects, scary pictures and other controversial and unpleasant things must be removed from the western part of the dwelling.

Step 4

After cleaning this part of the apartment (if you have time, put all the housing in order, so the result will be easier to achieve, since negative energy will not interfere), start arranging it. Buy a painting or photograph depicting children, you can use the symbols of fertility: a watermelon or a ripe pomegranate. If you are a Christian, you can hang the "Childbirth Assistant" icon in this area. If you are far from Christianity, you can buy special Chinese gods that help to get pregnant according to Feng Shui.

Step 5

Take care of organizing the space of the children's room, or at least the children's corner. Think about where you will put the crib, where the baby things and toys will be. You can speed up the process by emptying the shelf for the unborn baby's clothes, this will attract the baby's energy.

Step 6

If you don't have any indoor plants in your home, consider purchasing a ficus tree. This tree is one of the symbols of pregnancy in Feng Shui, it must be placed in the western part of your home and carefully looked after.

Step 7

It should be borne in mind that constant stress, depression and depression of one of the partners can interfere with conception at a subconscious level. If you are both healthy and your doctors are unable to explain to you why you are having trouble conceiving, consider taking a short break away from your problems. It is best to first correctly arrange the space to attract children's energy, immediately after that go on vacation, and then return to a sort of new, reorganized, ready-for-the-baby housing.
