Feng Shui Work: How To Get A Good Job

Feng Shui Work: How To Get A Good Job
Feng Shui Work: How To Get A Good Job

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You are looking for a job - you look through newspaper ads, call employers, go to job sites, register with the labor exchange. But you still can't choose the job that would meet all the requirements. The search takes all your strength, and you no longer believe in a favorable outcome of the case. But, using some Feng Shui methods, you can facilitate and speed up this process.

Feng Shui work: how to get a good job
Feng Shui work: how to get a good job


Step 1

Time-tested and many people’s methods will help you instantly find a job that will bring you both decent income and pleasure. You can use all the proposed methods at once, or you can stop at one thing.

Step 2

So, first of all, you need to cleanse the space around you. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, unnecessary things, dirt, dust block the circulation of energy. Therefore, first of all, put things in order in your home. Get rid of excess junk. Throw away all unnecessary things that have been accumulating in your closets for years without regret, hand over old newspapers and magazines to waste paper. Then do a wet mop. At the same time, add a handful of salt to the water for cleaning the floors, as it has the property of eliminating any negative. The third step is cleansing with sound. You can simply ring a bell or, even easier, clap your hands. It is also important to follow the procedure here - start making noise, jingling and slamming, starting at the door and gradually moving through all rooms in a clockwise direction. Do this three times and do not stop making sounds for a second. It is necessary to finish cleansing by fumigating the room with incense. Walk around the entire dwelling clockwise once.

Step 3

After you have got rid of the blockages, you can proceed to the next steps. It is better to carry out further actions on the growing moon. For this ritual, you will need any painting in black and white. Experts advise that a pelican that looks to the right is best suited for these purposes. Find the north side of your kitchen and hang this picture there. But remember that the picture must be framed in black or silver. If there is no suitable frame, you can draw it yourself.

Step 4

And one more ritual that will reinforce all your attempts to find a suitable job. In the career sector of your apartment, place a glass of water in which you need to put 8 white and 1 yellow coins. It is important that the coins are face up.
