How To Dress For The Hunt

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How To Dress For The Hunt
How To Dress For The Hunt

Video: How To Dress For The Hunt

Video: How To Dress For The Hunt
Video: Most Important Hunting Clothes You Need In My Opinion 2024, October

In the age of information technology, from the main way of food, hunting has long turned into a hobby and an active form of recreation. From non-professional hunters, few people know that in addition to comfortable clothes and shoes, you need to have a huge variety of vital items with you. Some of these items can save the life of an entire team of hunters.

How to dress for the hunt
How to dress for the hunt


Step 1

The hunter's clothes are comfortable shoes, a warm jacket regardless of the season, a changeable set of underwear (preferably a thermal suit) and a hat. Depending on the season, types of clothing lined with fur are chosen or, conversely, with high heat transfer. The main thing is that clothes and shoes fit exactly in size, do not restrict movement and do not rub anywhere.

Step 2

Hunting skis or snowmobile. Mobile winter hunting requires special means of transportation. Classic winter hunting takes place on short and wide skis. The most durable skis are made from birch, ash or maple. It is recommended to glue the skis for rough terrain with leather removed from the legs of an elk or deer. The hard hair pile of such a filing allows you to move only forward, climb straight up the hill and in any weather provides easy sliding. If a snowmobile is used instead of skis, it is imperative to stock up on additional fuel with the expectation that it will not be used until the end of the hunt.

Step 3

Backpack. A hiking backpack with many flaps and external pockets is best suited for multi-day hunting, but experienced hunters will modify this as well. The straps of a real hunting backpack are sewn with felt, in addition, the ends of the straps are attached to the main casing with hooks and rings - in emergency situations it is easier to remove the backpack. A waterproof bag is sometimes attached inside for documents, matches and emergency food supplies.

Step 4

Sleeping bag. You will need a sleeping bag during a multi-day hunt both in summer and in winter. The classic hunting "sleeping bag" is made of dog fur and consists of several layers. You can sleep in such a bag even on the snow, which cannot be said about "sleeping bags" made of synthetic materials or a quilted jacket. It should be borne in mind that during the hunt, a sleeping bag usually remains in transport or housing; hunters do not wear it on themselves.

Step 5

A case for a gun is an indispensable part of a hunter's equipment, since it is necessary both during the hunt and during movement around the city. There are short and long cases. The most common cases are of the first type, while the long ones are used for old, non-disassembled shotguns. The best covers are soft tarpaulin.

Step 6

Bandolier. A good bandolier can save a hunter's life, for example, in the case when it is necessary to urgently reload the gun, while running away from an angry wounded animal. Thus, this piece of equipment should be lightweight, durable, protect cartridges from moisture and not impede the movements of the hunter. That is why it is not recommended to use a wide, uncomfortable, heavy and not moisture resistant, but very popularized "Boer bandolier" - a belt with cartridge slots.

Step 7

Hunting bag. A hunting bag, or game bag, is necessary if the hunter intends to return with trophies. Jagdtash is intended for small and medium game and is usually a silk or nylon netting. Dead game in such a net does not wrinkle, which is useful for making stuffed animals, and is also well ventilated. Special pockets of the same action are found on the back of some hunting jackets, however, they are only suitable for a very small trophy.

Step 8

Knife. A hunting knife must be sharp and perfectly sharpened. Seasoned hunters recommend professional knives with an extractor, awl and can opener in the handle.

Step 9

Hatchet. The hunter's ax should fit in a backpack, which means it should have a short length and a blade cover. At the same time, you need to be sure that such a hatchet can both cut down a tree and cut the rope, if necessary.

Step 10

Extractor. A must for a poorly calibrated or damp cartridge case. It is recommended to use a spring extractor, suitable for any caliber and having spikes, with which it is easy to remove the spent cartridge case that has come off the head from the barrel.

Step 11

It is also worth remembering that the hunter needs to have a sealed flask with drinking water, an aluminum pot with a lid that replaces a frying pan, a compass, a map of the hunting area, light binoculars and a first aid kit.
