Ivan Okhlobystin and Oksana Arbuzova are one of the most unusual couples in Russian show business. Together they are raising seven children and dream of one day leaving Moscow for good and devoting their lives to serving God.

Biography and detailed information about the life of Ivan Okhlobystin are known to many Russian movie and TV series lovers. But the wife of the actor has recently remained in the shadows. Some fans suggest that mother Ksenia sits at home all her life, takes care of her family and children. The couple have seven heirs, by the way. But in fact, the humble and pious Oksana was not always so modest.
Life before marriage
Oksana Arbuzova was born into an ordinary working-class family. Since mom and dad did not have time to raise their daughter, she was sent to kindergarten with an overnight stay for all five days. They took the girl only for the weekend. As a result, Oksana suffered from a lack of parental warmth and attention throughout her childhood. At the same time, the girl herself said that mom and dad lived in perfect harmony. Arbuzova, from an early age, thought that she would also definitely build a strong family. But even then she promised herself that she would never leave children without attention and affection.
Dreaming of a close-knit family with a large number of children, Oksana did not worry much about her future profession. All her thoughts were about a happy family life. But one day the girl went out of boredom to a theater group. Since it was interesting for Oksana to study in it, gradually the creative profession attracted the girl. She got her first serious film role at the age of thirteen. At the same time, Arbuzova still notes that fame and a successful acting career were never her dreams. The girl adds: “It's simple. God sent me there to meet Ivan. Everything turned out exactly as it should have been."

In the first picture, Oksana got a very modest role. Her second film "Obsession" also remained unnoticed by the viewer. Surprisingly, in the third project, the modest and quiet Arbuzova played an uncooperative informal girl who constantly gets into various unpleasant and even scandalous stories. This painting turned out to be "Accident - the daughter of a cop". It was she who made the girl popular. An avalanche of glory fell on the young schoolgirl.
Portraits of the actress appeared in the very center of Moscow, fans began to recognize Oksana literally at every step. But Okhlobystin's wife herself notes that this was not at all the most terrible. The actress is sure that from the character you play, something always penetrates into the soul of the person himself. As a result, the young star began to quarrel strongly with her mother, aggression appeared in her character, Arbuzova began to forget about her studies, spend time in completely useless activities. At the same time, before Oksana was one of the best students in the school. Despite the problems in her studies, Arbuzova managed to enter the course of Sergei Solovyov. True, at the university, the girl was happy to be engaged exclusively in acting. In the rest of the subjects she had continuous retakes.
Perhaps soon Oksana would have been expelled from the educational institution, but she left herself. In her fourth year, the actress met her future husband.
Love as salvation
Okhlobystina Arbuzova met in the most difficult period of her life. At that time, she became severely depressed. After the glory that fell on the girl, she did not want any serious filming and simply did not come to auditions or conversations with the directors. Oksana was annoyed by everyone, she was rude to everyone she met. Both her mother and friends turned away from her. The girl began to seriously think about suicide. Only Ivan was able to save a talented colleague. He radically changed the girl's life. She herself explained: “It was Okhlobystin who killed the actress Oksana Arbuzova. This is his fault. And I myself am an accomplice. But he revived that very modest sweet girl who dreams of a family and children.

Oksana does not hide that she fell in love with her future spouse immediately. And Ivan himself, during the first meeting (even before they met), shouted to the girl that she would be his wife. On the same evening, the actors were introduced to each other. Okhlobystin did not delay for a long time and immediately after meeting he made an offer to the young lady who liked him. The depression immediately went away, and everything fell into place.
Happy marriage
Both lovers were so afraid of losing their rare feeling that they went to church for help. Previously, neither Oksana nor Ivan could call themselves believers. And suddenly they began to take communion on a regular basis, to confess. At first, a new life was given to them with difficulty, but gradually it became easier. In 95, the couple got married. Then the wedding took place.

Arbuzova still received offers from eminent directors, but she categorically refused to continue acting in films. Then, one by one, children began to appear in the family. Seven heirs were born. Oksana completely devoted her life to their upbringing. And Ivan, quite unexpectedly for himself, became a priest. At first, for the sake of serving God, he gave up acting. But then the family began to live in poverty. As a result, the church allowed Okhlobystin to shoot.
Oksana Arbuzova explains that today she dreams of only one thing - to live with her husband far from the worldly sinful life. But for now, her husband, for financial reasons, cannot refuse filming and creative work. Therefore, while Ivan is actively withdrawing and saving up funds in order to fulfill his dream one day: to leave for a remote village far from the capital and follow his main destiny.