The Irish millionaire Alex Smerfit is most often called the husband of Victoria Boni. The couple had a long relationship, a common daughter was born, but they never reached the registry office.

The beautiful TV presenter has never been officially married. Victoria Bonya for about 7 years lived in a civil marriage with the Irish millionaire Alex Smerfit. The couple had a daughter, but even the child did not help the lovers to maintain their relationship and transfer them to official status. Today Bonya is lonely and is again in search of a soul mate.
Russian beauty
The Smurfit family has owned a large cardboard business for many generations. Alex also continued the work of his ancestors. From an early age, the young man devoted a lot of time to his education in order to become a worthy change for his father. First he studied in Switzerland and then in England.

Today the junior Smurfit has a multi-million dollar fortune. He has at his disposal the most luxurious yachts, several private planes, real estate almost all over the world. For the soul, Alex also opened a chain of cafes. You can find them in various countries, including Russia. It was during the opening of his own establishment in Moscow that the millionaire saw a Russian beauty, who immediately won his heart. She turned out to be Victoria Bonya.
At the time of meeting Alex, the girl was already quite popular. Her fame began after participating in the scandalous television project "Dom-2". After leaving the show, Victoria began to build a career as a TV presenter. When she met Smurfit in 2010, she could not even imagine that one day she would give birth to a daughter to a millionaire. Bonya at first did not take the attention of the foreigner seriously, as she had heard a lot about his many love affairs.

When Alex realized that the Russian beauty was not making a reciprocal step towards him, he decided to try to achieve her in any way. From that moment on, Victoria's apartment was literally overwhelmed with flowers and expensive gifts. Smurfit spent a lot of money almost every day to surprise the young lady he liked and win her over. Of course, the TV presenter could not resist under such pressure. After a while, Bonya agreed to have dinner with Alex. In the process of a joint meal in a restaurant, Victoria paid little attention to her companion and constantly answered calls from friends. This further provoked the self-confident Smurfit, he decided to make the chosen one his wife at all costs.
Strict parents
A few months after that dinner at the restaurant, Victoria and Alex began to meet. True, the people around did not know anything about it. For a long five years, the couple carefully concealed their relationship from the public. The lovers lived in different countries, but they saw each other regularly and tried to visit together extremely uncrowded places.
The first to tell the fans about her stormy romance was Bonya herself. The girl added a joint photo with Smurfit to the page on the social network, thus congratulating him on his birthday. From that moment on, the TV presenter began to honestly answer the questions of subscribers that she had a serious relationship with the millionaire, and they had been very happy together for a long time.

It turned out that the lovers are even planning to get married. But on the way to a happy strong family they faced a serious obstacle - Alex's parents. When the young man's relatives found out that he had long begun a relationship with a Russian girl, they immediately inquired about her. Serious businessmen did not like the turbulent past at Dom-2. The father categorically forbade his son to marry Victoria, suspecting her of self-interest. By the way, Smurfit fulfilled his father's request; even the birth of a common child did not push him to an official marriage with Bonya.
Despite the dissatisfaction of his parents, Alex continued his relationship with the Russian beauty. Smurfit himself sincerely believed in the girl's feelings and did not suspect her of self-interest.
Living together
For many years, lovers only met on neutral territory or stayed with each other. But in the end, an event happened, after which they came together - the birth of a common child. The couple had a baby Angelina Letizia.
It was the birth of the common daughter of Alex and Victoria that changed the attitude towards the potential daughter-in-law of the businessman's parents. His family truly fell in love with the baby. After the birth of Angelina, Smurfit's parents bought the young a house in Monaco in their neighborhood and arranged it as conveniently as possible for life with a small child. Relations in the family improved, but Bonya never received a marriage proposal. In her interviews, the girl noted that the stamp is completely unimportant to her, she is happy anyway.
After about 7 years of marriage, it suddenly became known that Alex and Victoria broke up. The young people themselves did not inform the public about this in any way. Everyone found out about the breakup of the couple only after the paparazzi captured Smurfit hugging a young model.
Today Bonya is alone and does not hide that she is actively looking for her soul mate. They still communicate well with Alex and bring up a common daughter together. Former lovers sometimes even go on vacation together.