The Sorceress is a character in computer games such as Diablo, Allods, Warlock, Golden Mountains, Patrols, etc. Many secrets of the world have obeyed her and various elements are subject to her: water, fire, earth, air. In a battle at a distance, the sorceress has no equal, and not every warrior dares to approach the sorceress at a strike distance. Rainbow lightning, fireballs, rockfalls, poisonous mists are just some of the spells from the arsenal of sorceresses. But long-term meditations and training of the spirit left an imprint on the physique of the sorceress - it is rather weak. How can you upgrade a sorceress?

Step 1
Decide at the very beginning of the game which magic schools your character should master. It is desirable that one school includes active combat spells (for example, the school of fire), and the other has either healing spells or manna regeneration (for example, the school of water). The fire school contains powerful combat spells - meteor shower, fireballs, etc., which already at level 1 inflict huge damage to the enemy. Imagine what damage your fragile heroine will be able to inflict on enemies, reaching level 10? In the school of water, as a rule, there are healing spells. The character at the beginning of the game is weak, so this spell will not be superfluous. Regeneration of mana also does not hurt - the sorceress needs to be pumped, constantly use witchcraft spells, and they consume a lot of magical energy.
Step 2
Pay attention to the clothes of the sorceress. Of course, for her, armor is not the most important thing. However, she needs to withstand at least a couple of blows from powerful opponents in order to have time to throw a spell at her offender. Therefore, look for clothes with additional armor in the shops for your heroine.
Step 3
Pay special attention to the sorceress's equipment. There should always be various magic staves in her arsenal. Look for staves that add the necessary spells to your girl, regeneration of mana and health, different types of magic. Indeed, in games, monsters are immune to any particular magic, but they are easily killed by a spell of the opposite magic school. For example, water against fire.
Step 4
Buy amulets and rings for your heroine. Just like staves, they can add or regenerate mana and life, or they can add damage to some magical spell.
Step 5
At the beginning of the game, collect everything that you can collect and that is bad. Sell everything you don't need to all kinds of merchants. Save on everything. In the early stages of the game, there is a catastrophic lack of money for anything. And you need equipment, training in magic schools, etc.
Step 6
In the hands of a beginner, as well as with an illiterate approach, the sorceress is a completely useless and weak character. But in the hands of an experienced player - a very dangerous and strong hero, destroying his opponents from a distance.