How To Make A TV Series

How To Make A TV Series
How To Make A TV Series

Not only professionals, but also amateurs can shoot a series. Of course, in the latter case, a multi-part film is more suitable for home viewing. They can please acquaintances, friends. If they approve of the resulting masterpiece, then it can be sent to the amateur film competition.

How to make a TV series
How to make a TV series

Introducing the world of cinematography - preparing for filming

First, a script is written and printed. Each actor will be provided with their own printed copy. The director also needs it. The script describes the scene, and there are dialogues for the performers of the roles. The plot should be "twisted" so that the audience was interested in watching, and they were looking forward to the appearance of the new series.

In order to shoot a series, you need to prepare the necessary equipment, recruit actors, make-up artists, costume designers, etc. It is also important to decide on the filming locations. Usually, they take place on location (street, nature) and in the studio.

If a movie masterpiece is filmed by amateurs, then someone's apartment can serve as a room. In professional cinema, special scenery is built in the studio so that the operator with the camera can easily walk around them and quickly change from one point of shooting to another.

Viewers could notice that the walls of such "apartments" are fake and do not connect with others. If an amateur film crew has a garage, a large studio, then the scenery can be placed there.

It is very important to get the right lighting. Even on a sunny day, illuminators often install spotlights on location. Then there will be no shadows on the faces of the characters, and the image quality will be excellent.

After we have decided on the location of the shooting, then, to create the series, it is necessary to recruit actors by arranging a casting. To do this, applicants for roles are dressed in costumes that correspond to the plot and are asked to learn the text for a specific scene.

Then, there is shooting. After the same episode has been filmed with the participation of different people, the director, his assistants, and the screenwriter select those who are most suitable for a particular role.

Beginning to create a long-playing movie masterpiece

And now the "X" hour has come. It's time for the first day of shooting. Make-up artists try their best. Each, with the help of makeup, tone, wigs, transforms one or more actors. Dressers should prepare in advance by providing suitable attire.

The lights are set correctly, the actors have learned the dialogues, there is a camera, so you can start filming the series. It consists of many scenes. Each, ready-made, does not last long. But to remove it, it takes much longer.

Sometimes, in order for the viewer to see a 5-minute scene, the film crew works all day. But this is more about movies of the past and full-length modern tapes. "Soap Opera" cannot afford such a thing, since the viewer almost daily waits for new episodes to appear.

After the series is filmed, the film crew starts editing. A long film is cut from separate scenes and presented to the viewer's judgment.
