An original way to please loved ones is to present them with a bouquet of homemade sweets. You can use cheap or very expensive sweets. The main thing is to arrange them correctly, then your product will look stylish and effective.

What you need for a candy bouquet
To make a bouquet, you need sweets - the amount depends on the size of the future composition. Choose round, conical and hemispherical confectionery - it is more convenient to attach them in a bouquet. It is more hygienic to use candy wrappers. If the color of the wrappers does not suit you, during the assembly the composition of the product can be decorated with foil or paper of the desired shade.
Choose a bowl, basket, or light vase for the base of the composition. In addition, you will need colored corrugated and glossy paper, colored foil, decorative ribbons and nets. Purchase thin double-sided tape, tape, long wooden skewers, and glue. It is very convenient to use a glue gun - it allows you to attach products quickly and reliably. For a more decorative bouquet, buy ready-made artificial flowers.
Choosing a color and style
The style of the bouquet depends on the taste of the person to whom you are going to present it. Consider gender, age and other personal data of the person being gifted. For example, a child will surely like a bouquet with bright flowers and soft toys, a young girl will like a product made in gentle pastel colors, and a lady of elegant age will like an exquisite bouquet in a vintage style. The size of the product depends on the chosen style and occasion. For an anniversary, you can give a huge basket of flowers and sweets, and as a modest souvenir, a small composition of several branches is suitable.
Think over the shape of the composition. It can be tabletop mounted in a vase or basket. Another option is to decorate it in the form of a traditional bouquet wrapped in gift paper. Craftsmen also make more complex options - spectacular hanging balls, wreaths with sweets, bouquets in the form of boats, dolls or fans.
Today, bouquets are popular that combine ready-made artificial flowers with homemade paper designs. You can use existing methods of wrapping candy or come up with new ones.
Making a bouquet
First, try creating a simple composition of a few colors. Choose a round, not too heavy bowl with a wide enough bottom - it will give the structure stability. Insert a floristic sponge for artificial flowers inside.
Observe the chosen color scheme. Do not use more than 3 flowers in a small bouquet, otherwise it will turn out to be too variegated. Blue-white-silver, red-gold or golden-cream compositions look spectacular.
Before starting work, sketch out a sketch on paper and calculate the required amount of materials - this way you will avoid unnecessary expenses.
The most popular attachment method is a simple knot on a skewer. Cut a square out of soft corrugated paper or colored foil, wrap the candy in it and attach it with the base to a wooden skewer. Tape the paper wrapper around the skewer with tape so that the product is fixed as tightly as possible.
Try another mounting option - a cone with a candy inside. Cut a rectangle out of glossy paper or cellophane. Roll it up in the form of a pound, place the candy inside. Gather the free edges of the funnel on a skewer and wrap it tightly with tape.
A very effective and simple technique is to attach candies to ready-made artificial flowers. Take large flowers with a heart - rose hips, poppies, lilies or chamomile. Put glue on the base of the candy and press it firmly to the center of the flower.
Collect the bouquet. Stick skewers and artificial flower stems into the floral sponge. Mask the gaps with artificial greenery or tapes reinforced with tape. The bouquet can be decorated with a bow or decorative wrapping paper.