How To Master Beadwork

How To Master Beadwork
How To Master Beadwork

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Beaded embroidery is experiencing a stage of popularity again, the return to traditional types of needlework is accompanied by the emergence of new techniques and materials. You can also learn to embroider with beads on your own - buy ready-made kits and get to work.

How to master beadwork
How to master beadwork

It is necessary

  • - thin needles for beads;
  • - special threads for beading;
  • - beads;
  • - stand;
  • - fabric or canvas;
  • - a sketch of a drawing or a diagram for embroidery.


Step 1

Beads should be reviewed in advance and beads of the desired size and color should be selected, pouring them into separate containers for convenience. Prepare the canvas in advance - coat it with PVA glue for rigidity and dry it. The stand can also be made independently - two frames of different sizes made of fiberboard, and the widest one should be larger than the canvas in width. If you are using one frame, then prepare the buttons with which you will attach the canvas. In addition to thin needles for beads, you can use ordinary embroidery needles - you will pierce the fabric with them, and then simply insert the bead needle into the resulting hole (thin needles often break).

Step 2

Start embroidery from the simplest element - follow the pattern line by line, start from the top or bottom line. Pick up the beads with an embroidery needle, pierce the fabric and secure the bead. In which direction you will move - it does not matter, do as it is convenient for you. Do not forget to fasten the end and the beginning of the row with tight knots. To make the beads hold better, do not cut the thread, but pass it in the opposite direction along the same beads and fasten it again at the beginning of the row. Calculate the thread length in advance - multiply the embroidery width by 5.

Step 3

Master the basic techniques - several types of stitches to adjust the direction of the embroidery, to make it more rigid. The easiest way is to fasten single beads, the technique resembles sewing on buttons. The most difficult seam is “monastery”. The threads should be selected according to the size of the beads - the thinnest beads have tiny holes, so the thread should be strong, but very thin.

Step 4

Start with the simplest products, the execution of which does not require certain skills and craftsmanship. Read a few instructions, watch master classes and start learning - if you have the desire, perseverance and perseverance, you can quickly master the basics of embroidery with beads.
