Of the many ways to tell the time, the watch is the most accurate and reliable. It is difficult to imagine a modern person who does not have a wristwatch, or at least those that are built into a mobile phone. And how to calculate the time if they still stopped, and the battery of the mobile phone ordered to live a long time? The situation is quite possible if you are on a camping trip. In some cases, unconventional methods of timing can come to the rescue.

It is necessary
- - several participants to conduct a statistical survey;
- - paper;
- - pens or pencils;
- - calculator;
- - compass.
Step 1
In order to determine the time without a clock, use the peer review methodology. To carry out measurements, you will need the participation of several people, small sheets of paper and pencils (pens) - according to the number of participants in the experiment. As for the number of participants, it can be different; the more people are involved in the procedure, the more accurate the result will be.
Step 2
Give each participant a small piece of paper and a pencil. Now invite them, without looking at the clock, to write down the value of the current time on a sheet of paper, accurate to the minute. At the same time, for the purity of the experience, it is important that those who participate in the survey do not know what the answer of the others is. Take part in the procedure yourself, adding your version to the questionnaire.
Step 3
After two to three minutes, put together your answer sheets and start counting. First add up the named times and calculate the average time in pairs. For example, from 18.00 and 18.30 you should get (18.00 + 18.30) / 2 = 18.15, from 19.00 and 19.30: (19.00 + 19.30) / 2 = 19.15.
Step 4
Now add the results in pairs again, find the average time again, and so on. When you add and separate the last pair, you get a certain result, for example 19.42. Add to the obtained value those few minutes that were spent on the calculations, and check the answer with the current time, which is displayed by the working clock. If everything is done according to the instructions, the values calculated experimentally and the current time will coincide very accurately.
Step 5
To determine the time in sunny weather, use the data on the location of the cardinal points in the place where you are. Proceed in this case from the fact that at six o'clock in the morning the sun is in the east, at noon - in the south. At six o'clock in the evening, its location points to the west. If you find it difficult to determine the sides of the horizon, use local signs. For example, the altars of Orthodox churches are facing east; anthills in the forest are located on the south side of the trees, and so on.
Step 6
If you have a compass, use it to more accurately tell the time from the sun. At the same time, keep in mind that it makes a visible movement across the sky at a speed of 15 degrees per hour. First, calculate the azimuth. To do this, set the compass to zero in the north direction. The angle between the zero mark and the direction to the sun, if viewed clockwise, will be the desired azimuth to the daylight.
Step 7
Divide the resulting azimuth by 15. If, for example, the azimuth is 120 degrees, then dividing 120 by 15 will give you 8 hours. If, when calculating the time by the sun and compass, you are on the territory of Russia, add one hour to the found time, since you must also take into account the daylight saving time.