How To Make A Dough Doll

How To Make A Dough Doll
How To Make A Dough Doll

Table of contents:


Exquisite or simple, small or large dolls can charm both the child and the adult. A doll made of salted dough will become the girl's favorite. You can decorate a bookshelf or workplace by placing such a red-haired cutie there.

How to make a dough doll
How to make a dough doll

It is necessary

  • - 0.5 kg of salted dough;
  • - foil;
  • - rolling pin;
  • - toothpicks;
  • - knife;
  • - 35 cm lace 2 cm wide;
  • - brushes;
  • - empty box;
  • - acrylic paints;
  • - center punch;
  • - vinyl glue;
  • - skewer;
  • - tow;
  • - hairbrush.


Step 1

Knead the dough for modeling flour and salt (200 g each) and water (100 ml). When kneading, add flour or water, depending on the consistency of the dough. It should be pretty cool, elastic, and not sticky to your hands.

Step 2

While kneading the dough, add yellow, white and pink paints in equal proportions. Knead the dough until it acquires an even shade.

Step 3

Wrap a small box with aluminum foil to seat your doll on it. Tear off a lump the size of a walnut from the dough and roll it into a 0.5 cm thick flat cake. Cut out a circle with a cookie cutter or thin glass. Place it in the middle of the box.

Step 4

Complete the legs. Roll a 20 cm long rope out of a piece of dough the size of an orange. Make one shallow cut along the entire rope with a center punch. Bend the tourniquet in an arc and lightly wet the circle on the box with water. Place the folded tourniquet over it so that one end hangs from the box below the other and the seam is on top. This is done in order for the doll to assume a free pose.

Step 5

Roll a lump of dough the size of a walnut into a cylinder 3 cm long, you get a torso. Insert a wooden skewer into the center of the arc and slide the cylinder over it, tilting slightly to the side. The head will be put on the continuation of the skewer. Place the structure in the oven for 1 hour and dry at 45 °.

Step 6

Roll out a lump of dough the size of a tangerine into a 4 mm pancake. Place a piece of tulle or lace on top of it and press down with a rolling pin. This way the dough sheet will mimic the fabric. From the dough, cut a strip of 30x8 cm on the dress. Moisten the bottom edge of the dress with water using a brush and press the lace to it.

Step 7

Put the dress on the torso, make some deep folds, looking as natural as possible. Connect the ends of the dress behind the torso.

Step 8

Now make your hands. Roll the dough into a 17 cm long roll. Cut with a center punch along the entire length. Fold in and flatten in the middle. With this flattened section, put the tourniquet on the skewer. At the ends, flatten the flagellum, form the doll's palms. Make a depression with a toothpick and mark your thumb.

Step 9

Roll a small 2mm thick slab, cut out two crescents and fold around the skewer to form the sleeves of the dress. On the back, to hide the connection, place a bow from a strip of dough. Slip an oval collar over the skewer. Cut it out of a 2 mm thick layer, form teeth at the edges with a comb.

Step 10

For the head, roll a ball, stretch it out and press in with your finger, forming a forehead. Stick on a small lump - a nose. Use a toothpick to make a hole for the mouth. Place your head on a skewer. Dry in the oven for two days at 45 °.

Step 11

After drying, glue a strip of hair and tow bangs with vinyl glue. Use satin ribbons to pull the hair on the sides into two ponytails. Color the dress and draw small flowers against the background of the main color. Draw the eyes, paint the mouth, add some freckles and apply blush to the cheeks. Highlight the punch marks on the arms and legs with a brown felt-tip pen to simulate seams like a rag doll.
