An old disc that has stopped working or has lost its relevance is a hard, even and perfectly round surface. It is enough to show a little imagination to find various uses for it.

Step 1
Most often, old discs are used as coasters for cups on a table in front of a computer, and to perform this functionality they do not even need to be decorated in any way. Sometimes discs are used as candle holders to prevent wax from damaging the floor or furniture while the candle is burning. Without decorating the disc, you can also use it as a reflector: attach it to a bicycle, scooter, stroller or sled. By cutting the disc into uneven fragments, and then using plaster, putty or tile putty, you can make a decor for any surface or even a figure or flower pot with your own hands. And by painting several discs in different colors before making the mosaic, you can get a complete picture on the surface to be decorated.
Step 2
Without changing its properties, you can place the disc under the legs of heavy furniture in order to distribute the load more evenly and not leave marks on the floor covering. Similar to each other saplings in the garden and vegetable garden can be marked with disks dug into the ground with the names written on them. In the garden, having dug the discs half into the ground, you can distinguish between flower beds and paths: such a decor is quite durable, it lasts an average of three seasons. If you put several discs on a string and stretch this makeshift garland over the garden plot, it will serve as an excellent bird repeller.
Step 3
Having given various shapes to the discs with the help of strong scissors, you can use them as Christmas tree decorations: this decor has a unique flavor. In the same way, you can decorate the walls in the room by gluing disks in the form of geometric shapes on them. The hard and smooth surface of the disc is well suited as a palette for mixing any kind of paint, and it is very easy to clean. The disc is also used as a template for drawing a perfect circle. Discs cut or broken in the form of separate pieces can be used to decorate any surfaces. To do this, they are glued in the intended sequence, and the seams between such a mosaic can then be wiped with plaster or a special putty, giving any thing the appearance of a mosaic sculpture.
Step 4
The disc is an ideal field for learning stained glass and spot painting. Such blanks in specialized stores are not cheap, and all that needs to be done with a disc before starting work is to sand it to transparency or, on the contrary, to prime it. Acrylic paints and the outline perfectly fit on its surface, turning an unnecessary obsolete thing into an object of creativity. A disc painted in this way can be used as a fridge magnet, or you can collect many of them and make a curtain that delimits the room.