Glittering Notebook From Old CDs

Glittering Notebook From Old CDs
Glittering Notebook From Old CDs

Have you ever wondered that CDs or DVDs allow you to create bright sparkling decor for many things?

Glittering notebook from old CDs
Glittering notebook from old CDs

Today we use CD or DVD discs less often, because there are very compact and capacious flash drives, portable external hard drives. But you should not throw out CDs or DVDs, because with their help you can create many original sparkling things, decorate the objects we are used to. In many forums of needlewomen, I met advice to decorate Christmas tree toys with CD or DVD discs, but other ideas are less common.

See how you can trim a regular notebook or hard clutch. And for this you only need a few discs (their number will depend on the size of the object being decorated), scissors, glue for plastic.

The order of work is obvious - we cut the discs into irregular polygons with steel scissors (ordinary clerical scissors made of thin tin can bend in the process), lay out the pieces of the disc on the surface that we are going to decorate in order to find their most dense arrangement and then glue each piece.

Useful advice: this way you can decorate not only a notebook, but also a plastic box for storing small things, a photo frame (you can even make it from scratch by cutting out a base from thick cardboard and laying a mosaic of sparkling CD or DVD discs on it) other things …

It is worth considering that if you want to use CD or DVD discs for decorating a casket, dish, to create a smoother surface, you will need to use grout (as it is used when laying tiles, mosaics when renovating a bathroom, kitchen).
