Anyone can draw, this is not only the lot of children and artists. The main desire. And if a person loves the sea and everything connected with it, then he should try to transfer his impressions to paper and draw, for example, marine life. The result can be a great gift for a loved one or a wonderful interior decoration.

It is necessary
- - watercolor pencils;
- - brushes;
- - watercolor;
- - sponge;
- - landscape sheet of paper;
- - pictures for example;
- - frame for A4 size photos.
Step 1
On a blank sheet of paper, draw a horizontal wavy line with a brown pencil so that you separate a third of the sheet from above. There will be a coral reef here. After that, draw fish with multi-colored pencils - elongated ovals with fins and tails. Use photos and pictures from the Internet or your vacation memories as a reference. Draw small fish in schools, and large ones separately.
Step 2
Draw a family of seahorses, for this it will be quite enough just to draw a curved line, similar to the Latin letter S. Above a coral reef, where the sky will shine through the water, place a jellyfish - a hemisphere with undulating processes available below.
Step 3
At the bottom, using black and dark blue pencils, draw boulders of different shapes. Using the same colors, paint over their entire surface. Draw a crab under one of the stones.
Step 4
Draw long algae on the right and left with green and dark blue pencils, simply by drawing a few wavy vertical lines. With a brown or dark red pencil, draw algae that look like deer horns branched in different directions.
Step 5
Using a wet sponge, moisten the resulting design with a printing motion. All lines should blur slightly under the influence of water. Then, using a thin brush and not too thinned watercolors, add some bright touches to the images of crabs, fish and other inhabitants of the seabed.
Step 6
Using a large brush, paint over the entire coral reef with blotting strokes, creating pale pink, brown and brown spots (dilute the paint with water to make the color transparent). Try not to touch objects that are already drawn. Keep in mind that the background should become lighter as you move up, because there is sunlight coming through the water.
Step 7
Paint the area above the coral reef with a pale blue color. In blue, a little more saturated, depict small circles - air bubbles rising to the surface of the water from the bottom.
Step 8
Wait until the picture is completely dry and insert it into the frame.