How To Speak With A Funny Voice In

How To Speak With A Funny Voice In
How To Speak With A Funny Voice In

Table of contents:


There is no universal way to distort your voice to the point of absurdity, as there are no two identical voices. However, simple means will help to change your timbre to the absurd and cause a violent reaction in the audience.

How to speak with a funny voice
How to speak with a funny voice


Step 1

Helium from balloons has a strange effect on the vocal cords, this is especially noticeable in male voices: the timbre becomes nasal, higher. But the action of the gas quickly ceases, you will have to constantly inhale from the balloon or come up with another method.

Step 2

Vocal and acting exercises will help in training. Singing or speaking on the stage, you will quickly master your own voice, learn to breathe correctly and master the anatomy of the vocal apparatus. Therefore, you will understand what parts your voice consists of and how timbre is formed. Based on this information, you can change it as you like at your discretion.

Step 3

Listen to your surroundings. Analyze sounds and intonations, take them apart. If you have a musical literacy, determine the key and interval composition. Find patterns in what you hear.

Step 4

Copy the sounds you hear: the voices of famous singers, actors and friends, birdsong, animal intonations. Accuracy should be in everything: in the pitch of sounds, and in intonation. You won't succeed the first time, but don't stop: training will bring results.

Step 5

Continuing to copy, exaggerate the features of human speech or animal sounds: stretch the vowels even more than in the original, squeak even more plaintive than a kitten, crackle louder than a parrot.

Step 6

Use those parts of the vocal apparatus that are usually inactive: pinch your nose or direct sound into it, squeeze your neck muscles. Change the position of your lips and mouth, speak in a low voice, then in a high. Repeat the exercises in different positions of the body: straight, with an inclined body, leaning back, etc.

Step 7

Exaggerate your own speech patterns. Imagine yourself in unusual images for yourself: blonde, teacher, secretary, general, athlete, rock musician. Bring the characteristics of people you know into your speech.
