Even 30 years ago in our country everything was the same - furniture, music, and the people themselves. But even then, in the deep underground, there were subcultures, the adherents of which identified themselves as antagonists of the existing order. This contradiction manifested itself in the style of behavior, in dress, in music and in a special slang. So hippies, metalheads, punks, rappers, goths, emo - in a word, informals, appeared one after another. In parallel with musical subcultures, criminal and gop culture developed, which over time appropriated chanson music to themselves, which became their trademark.

Step 1
So, to whom should I refer myself? You wear long hair, enjoy henna painting, listen to Cher, Sonny and the Rolling Stones. In your wardrobe there are exclusively sundresses with ethnic motifs or flared jeans with shirts, you are hung from head to toe with baubles, beads made of sandalwood, you like to hitchhike with a guitar behind your back and without a penny in your pocket. If your life motto is "Make love, not war," then you are a typical hippie.
Step 2
If you still have long hair, a guitar behind your back and jeans, but wear sweatshirts and T-shirts, preferably in black with the words "Metallica". On your wrists are wristbands with metal spikes (antigopes), on your fingers there are large “claw” rings, and on your feet are Cossacks from Camelot, Grinders or Martins. You love fast driving, and you never part with your Harley, listen to Aria, Master and Metal Corrosion. So you are a metalhead.
Step 3
All the same long hair, but already black, lips painted with lipstick of the same color? Do you wear a long black raincoat or dress with a corset, spend your leisure time exclusively at the local cemetery, and wake up to the wonderful music of Cradle of Filth or Lacrimosa? Then you are a goth.
Step 4
Do you like black tunes interspersed with recitative? Are your idols from Harlem who wear pants that they inherited from their older brothers and therefore constantly slide down to the knees when walking, wide T-shirts and hats that slide down on their foreheads? You are hung with gold chains and finger-thick rings with your name inscribed in large letters. Did you grow up listening to Decl's songs? In your free time, do you write “2Pac is alive” on the fences and participate in battles, dancing the lower or upper break dance? So you are definitely a rapper.
Step 5
Every day you are in the area where the boys from the next mikrash got you. From the radio that you borrowed from the fraer, you can hear the sweet sounds of songs by Katya Ogonyok or Mikhail Krug. You wear stylish sweatpants from the local market and Abibas sneakers, do not part with a capar and a handbag and very accurately spit through a gap in your teeth, you have a blue tattoo that you stuffed in the army or in prison. So you are a gopnik.
Step 6
Of course, these are comic descriptions that largely support public stereotypes about these subcultures, which often have nothing to do with the real content. Perceiving in a similar way people who are somehow knocked out of the gray mass, this same gray mass tries to explain to itself their behavior, while feeling more secure. After all, everything incomprehensible, it seems, always carries a threat.