Roach is one of the most common fish in our country. It is a schooling fish with a beautiful silvery body and red fins. Reaches a length of 45 centimeters and weighs up to two kilograms. It is especially good to catch on the first and last ice.

Step 1
One of the most common ways to catch roach in winter is with a jig. For such fishing, you need a thin line (0, 1 - 0, 12 mm), a sensitive gatehouse and the smallest jig. You will also need a fishing rod with a reel without a stopper, which has an adjusting bolt and a soft whip. A gatehouse can be purchased at any fishing store, as well as made yourself from nylon, boar bristles or soft plates. Due to a fairly sharp bite, the length of the gatehouse should be at least 35-50 mm. As a jig, pellets (2-4 mm), droplets, oatmeal are used. The posting is slow and smooth, as the roach is afraid of sudden movements. Complementary feeding is periodic, it is good if it includes bloodworms, bread crumbs and steamed cake (hemp or sunflower). In deep winter, roach is good for catching small bloodworms for standing tackle. If there is no bite within 2-3 minutes, then you can try to gently shake the gatehouse.
Step 2
Another way to catch roach is with a "devil". A set of cambric and beads is used as an attachment. It is advisable to take a thicker fishing line (0, 12 - 0, 16 mm). This is necessary due to the fact that pike or pike perch can be caught on your bait. The gatehouse must be taken at least 75-100 mm. First, you should gently tap on the bottom, and then gently shake the tackle - at the slightest hesitation of the gatehouse, it is necessary to make a sweep.
Step 3
In winter, you can also catch roach with a float rod. For such fishing, you need to take the thinnest float and hook No. 18. It should be shipped so that at the slightest touch of the nozzle you see a reaction. It is recommended to drown the float by five centimeters.