How To Choose A Yo-yo

How To Choose A Yo-yo
How To Choose A Yo-yo

A simple-looking toy, a yo-yo, is not easy to choose. In this case, it is necessary to take into account its configuration, bearing size, gap width, type of material, quality of the braking system. Certain characteristics of the yo-yo are suitable for a particular style of play, so you need to decide what tricks you will perform before buying.

How to choose a yo-yo
How to choose a yo-yo

Yo-yo material

Yo-yos are made from plastic, metal, and composite materials. Plastic yo-yos are the cheapest, they are suitable for children and beginners. Their low weight makes them easier to handle at the beginning of training. On the other hand, complex tricks cannot be done with them. Plastic yo-yos will quickly fail, but that's not a problem, because their price is very low.

The construction of composite yo-yos, in addition to plastic, contains metal rims, thanks to which the yo-yo has the best inertial properties. Composite yo-yos are preferred by many professionals.

Metal yo-yos are more expensive. They are usually made of aluminum. With their help, you can do the most difficult tricks, they can spin for more than 3 minutes.

Yo-yo shape

Imperial and butterfly are the two main forms of yo-yo. Butterfly-shaped models are chosen if they want to perform long tricks with strong rope unwinding. Imperial is good for looping - a style that does not require spinning the yo-yo at the end of the rope.

There are collapsible and non-collapsible yo-yos. The latter are easier to lubricate and clean, which means they remain functional longer.

The gap

The gap is the gap between the halves of the yo-yo, the wider it is, the more protracted tricks can be done with the toy, since the risk of rope chewing is reduced. A narrow gap gives the yo-yo more impact. Some yo-yos have the ability to adjust the gap width to match the trick.


The quality of the bearing determines the slip time, that is, the length of the free rotation of the yo-yo at the end of the rope. Yo-yo bearings are divided into three categories: A - weak bearings, designed for looping, the free rotation of the yo-yo with such bearings is short; C - medium bearings, they do equally well with looping and lingering tricks; D - Large bearings, they provide maximum slip and are suitable for very long stunts.

For beginners, grooved yo-yos are suitable for easier handling.

Brake system

The braking system is an element of the yo-yo, thanks to which the player has the opportunity to return the toy to his hand. The better the braking system, the easier it is to control the yo-yo.

Cheap models usually have a serrated brake system that is not very responsive to the player's actions. More expensive models are equipped with a brake system in the form of rubber rings. Sometimes liquid silicone is used as a brake.
