How Best To Catch Smelt

How Best To Catch Smelt
How Best To Catch Smelt

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Smelt is a schooling migratory fish that exudes an unusual scent of fresh cucumbers. The body of the fish is elongated, covered with large scales. By the way, catching smelt is significantly different from catching other types of fish.

How best to catch smelt
How best to catch smelt

It is necessary

  • - winter fishing rod;
  • - fishing line 0.2-0.3 mm;
  • - spinners;
  • - hooks;
  • - jigs;
  • - red woolen threads;
  • - board;
  • - knife.


Step 1

For smelt fishing, use a nodded winter rod with a stiff tip. The rod must be equipped with a reel. Wind about 25 meters of line, 0.2-0.3 millimeters thick, onto the spool. Pass the end of the line through the nod, tie the lure with hook # 5 or # 6 (the hook should be very sharp).

Step 2

Since smelt is a predatory fish, you need to attach a red woolen thread, fin, eye or a piece of fish meat to the hook of the spoon. In this case, the tip of the hook must remain open. Do not be lazy to change the bait, it should remain fresh, although this is not easy to do in the wind and frost. Take a board and a knife with you; you need to put a freshly caught small smelt on the attachment.

Step 3

Most often, smelt is caught at a depth of 5-10 meters, biting from dawn to dusk. It happens that by the onset of dusk, the fish bite increases. The fishing technique is as follows: when the nod is triggered, make a smooth sweep with your right hand, grab the line with your left hand and pull it to the left. Further, the fishing line clings to the top of the fishing rod, is retracted to the right. And so the fishing line is wound around the left hand and the fishing rod with a figure eight. Finally, the long-awaited prey is drawn from the hole.

Step 4

Remove the fish from the hook and throw it onto the ice, lower the spoon back into the hole, and throw the line back with a reverse motion of your hands. If you have not yet achieved mastery in this matter, then pull out the fish with simple swoops, try not to confuse the line. By the way, some fishermen prefer to hook two spinners or jigs to the line, use two rods at once. Although they can hardly cope with one tackle during the period of active biting. It is better to use jigs that glow in the dark, they attract fish at depth.

Step 5

Another type of tackle for catching this fish consists of a sinker and jigs. The sinker is tied at the end of the fishing line, then 3-4 phosphor jigs are attached to it every 15 centimeters. A couple of jigs can be replaced with hooks with wound red threads. The fishing rod is taken with a nod, the bait is put on the jig. Lower the lead to the bottom and pull the line until the nod bends. Fasten the rod in the snow or do some small wire before the bite starts.
