How To Issue DPS Rogoy

How To Issue DPS Rogoy
How To Issue DPS Rogoy

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With a fast-paced playstyle, deceptive and powerful attacking skills, the rogue class has always been popular in Lineage II. The usefulness of the rogue, like any combat character, is determined by the ability to inflict great damage on the enemy in the minimum time. The numerical characteristic of this indicator is DPS (damage per second). Following the mechanics of the game, it is possible to "give out DPS rogoy" well only if many conditions are met.

How to issue DPS rogoy
How to issue DPS rogoy

It is necessary

  • - client program Lineage II;
  • - an account on one of the official servers of Lineage II;
  • - Internet connection.


Step 1

Equip your character with good weapons. Obtain the appropriate rank for a One-Handed Dagger or Twin Daggers. Increase his attack rates with enchant scrolls. Power up your weapon with attribute stones as much as possible (up to a value of 300). Install a special ability crystal of the desired type (SA is often chosen for critical damage). It is highly desirable to get a good enchanting effect with the help of life stones (ideally - passive "purity" or passive "refresh", which reduces the cooldown of skills).

Step 2

Equip your character with good armor. Choose a set of light armor of the desired rank. When choosing, be guided by the unique set bonuses. If it is armor of R grade or higher, change the type of all parts to "death." or "boost." (depending on play style) using the Blacksmith class NPC.

Step 3

Change the base stats of the character by installing tattoos, maximizing his strength and dexterity. A total of 3 slots are available, each of which can be equipped with a tattoo that changes a certain pair of characteristics to values from 1 to 5. If possible, use "Ancient Paint" or "Legendary Paint".

Step 4

Learn all possible active and passive skills to the maximum level. Take subclass skills. For the horn, it is worth learning skills that increase the chance and power of a critical attack, as well as reduce the cooldown of skills.

Step 5

Strengthen the learned skills, if the character's level allows it. Please note that there can be several options for "sharpening" skills. It makes sense to "sharpen" some of them on the chance of passing, others - on the attack by the elements, and the third on the strength in a duel.

Step 6

Use the right mix of buffs when hunting monsters, raid bosses, and PVP. It makes sense for the horn to maximize killing abilities even at the expense of defense. Only then will he be able to fully open up and give high DPS. The ideal buffer in the realities of GoD is "The Exorcist Isa". At lower levels, use empowering spells in conjunction with the rhythms of the bards.

Step 7

Get the right group composition. The combination of additional buffs (such as the "icon" of Palladin or the Hell Knight) applied to party members with debilitating effects (such as Shillen's Stigma) applied to monsters provides a massive DPS boost.

Step 8

Attack monsters, raid bosses and enemies correctly. Rogues deal maximum damage from behind. Remember this. Always try to hit from behind, especially with your skills. If the group has a character of the knight class (tank), it will not be difficult. Otherwise, use skills to distract the enemy, move behind his back. If there are several horn-class characters in the group, surround the target, spreading out around it. Then, even with constant turns of the monster, some of the attacks will occur from behind.
