DIY Snowflake From Ribbons

DIY Snowflake From Ribbons
DIY Snowflake From Ribbons

Table of contents:


If you want to decorate your house before the New Year with beautiful and unusual decorative elements, then try to make snowflakes from satin ribbons and use them as decor. Ribbon snowflakes look very interesting.

DIY snowflake from ribbons
DIY snowflake from ribbons

It is necessary

  • - satin ribbons five centimeters wide in white and blue;
  • - scissors;
  • - candle;
  • - white beads;
  • - a piece of white cotton fabric;
  • - waterproof transparent glue.


Step 1

Cut the white satin ribbon into 5cm pieces (12 pieces needed). Take one piece, fold it in half diagonally, then take the blank in your left hand so that the fold is on top and gently fold the side corners to the bottom corner. Bend the resulting workpiece in half, then carefully singe the sections of the part over the candle flame, glue the petal so that it does not fall apart. Thus, make 11 more rounded white petals.


Step 2

Take the blue ribbon and cut it into five by five centimeters squares (you need to cut 30 pieces in total). Take one square, bend it diagonally in half, then bend the workpiece in half again (raw sections should be at the bottom). It turned out to be an isosceles triangle, once again bend the workpiece in half, then burn the sections over the candle flame and glue the part. Thus, make 29 more sharp "leaves".


Step 3

From a piece of cotton cloth, cut a circle with a diameter of three centimeters, coat it with glue and carefully glue six white petals onto it to make a circle.


Step 4

Place 12 blue sharp and six white rounded leaves in front of you. Grease each white petal on the sides with plenty of glue and glue a blue petal to them on both sides. The result should be six shamrocks.


Step 5

Spread the sharp tip of each shamrock with glue, let it dry slightly, and then glue each of them to the wrong side of the petal of a previously made flower. Try to glue the parts as tightly as possible.


Step 6

Place 18 sharp blue leaves in front of you and glue them together in three pieces. There should be six shamrocks.


Step 7

In exactly the same way as described above, glue was done to the white petals.


Step 8

The final stage is decorating the snowflake with beads. Take the beads, on one side, spread them with glue and gently stick them on the snowflake, trying to distribute them synchronously. The snowflake from the ribbons is ready.
