How To Draw A House In Perspective

How To Draw A House In Perspective
How To Draw A House In Perspective

Table of contents:


Objects drawn in perspective gradually shrink towards the horizon. Vanishing points are used to get perspective in the drawing. Lines are drawn to them, which serve as the outlines of buildings and other objects.

How to draw a house in perspective
How to draw a house in perspective

It is necessary

  • - paper;
  • - pencil.


Step 1

Determine the type of perspective. To draw a house professionally, you need to use perspective. The perspective can be one-point, two-point, and three-point, depending on the number of vanishing points. Two-point perspective makes an image more voluminous than one-point perspective, and is easier to draw than three-point perspective. Therefore, consider this type of perspective.

Step 2

Draw a line for the horizon above the middle of the sheet. On this line, put 2 points: one closer to the left edge of the sheet, the other closer to the right. Put the third point at the bottom of the sheet, approximately halfway between the points on the horizon.

Step 3

Combine the points with lines. You will get an isosceles triangle. From a point in the middle, draw a straight line up just above the horizon. This will be the edge of the future house in perspective. Connect with lines the end of the resulting edge with two points located on the horizon. 2 triangles will appear.

Step 4

Draw 2 visible walls of the house. In the right triangle, put a straight line parallel to the existing edge that connects the 2 sides of the triangle. It should look like a square. Do the same in the left triangle, but put the straight line further from the edge. Connect with dotted lines the lower ends of the additional edges of the house with two dots on the horizon.

Step 5

Place the 4th edge of the house from the intersection of the dotted lines. From the lower end of this edge, which will not be visible in the finished drawing, draw 2 sides along the dotted lines to the lower points of the right and left edges. You will get a rectangle that is the base (floor) of the house.

Step 6

Draw 2 criss-cross lines in the square on the right side of the house. Draw a straight up from the point of intersection of these lines, the end of which will be the upper point of the gable roof. Connect it with a "house" with the horizon line, touching the 2 top points of the square (the right side of the house).

Step 7

Connect a line from the top of the roof to the left on the horizon. Finish drawing the roof by drawing a slant from the resulting line to the horizon. At the same time, it touches the top point of the left edge of the house. Connect the ends of the roof with bold straight lines along the horizon. The left roof slope will be fully visible, and on the right, the bold line will be short - from the end of the oblique roof line to the right edge of the house.

Step 8

Add doors and windows. To do this, draw lines from the central edge of the house to 2 points on the horizon at the height at which you would like to place the window and door.

Step 9

Draw the visible lines of the house. Place a blank sheet of paper on your drawing of the house and mark the necessary lines or delete unnecessary lines on your sheet of the house. You will get a house in perspective.
