Modern fetishism has long ceased to be associated with rough sexual relations. Today the aesthetics of intimate relationships is on the agenda. And it is the fetish that is able to give this aspect of human life a new meaning.

The fetish has long gone beyond its usual meaning. It is not only an object or thing that becomes the object of fetishism. And not a cult of inanimate. A fetish that invariably evokes blind worship and deification is an all-encompassing phenomenon in different spheres of life.
The fetish acquired particular importance not so long ago as an object of sexual fixation. This is obsessive attention to any part of the body, a kind of transfer from the genitals to other parts of the body that are not directly related to the physiology of sex. Big breasts, bulging strong buttocks, wide hips - all this is the prose of fetishism. A worked out, put into operation and not causing much surprise fetish. If his objects are the toes, the bend of the neck, the back and other parts of the body, which were previously paid less attention, then this is already a poetic fetishism of today.
Society strives to be kinky, demands more pleasure from having sex. Traditional forms have already become archaic. The fetish of a busty and lipped partner is still in demand today, but is already on the verge of debunking. The sophisticated look of the modern "pervert" has become more demanding. The sex industry, which is rapidly developing, requires sophistication, a completely new philosophy of intercourse. Everything that is impossible to fit into the framework of ordinary perception becomes a fetish.
The time is coming for sex-cosmogory. Yesterday's swingers, BDSM, today's futanari, hentai will go to the archive. The movement of the lips, the demonism of the eyes, the depth of breathing, the unique aroma exuding a secretion, the electric trembling of the body - all this is the kink of tomorrow.
Very subtle for the seeking and tired of sexual prosaic taste, fetish is "sex free from sex." This slogan can be deciphered as "the victory of the refined aesthetics of intercourse and the demarche of rough physiology."