Professional skills are not required to paint a scarf using the batik technique. You only need raw materials, which are sometimes difficult to find, and their cost is high.

Step 1
First of all, you need a frame to stretch the silk, and you cannot replace it with anything. Any sufficiently massive and stable frame is suitable for this purpose, because the fabric will need to be pulled all at once. There are fasteners on a special frame for batik. If this is an ordinary frame, then the silk is fixed with buttons. The best results are obtained on fine silk foulard or excelsior. But you can use absolutely any natural silk. It is most convenient to take dyes for steaming, for the first experiment 4 colors are enough - yellow, red, blue and black. Mixing them allows you to get almost any shade. Brushes need only synthetic, large numbers. To fix the pattern, you will need fine table salt and urea granules, which can be bought in flower shops.
Step 2
The fabric is pulled as tight as possible, and the frame is set in a horizontal position so that nothing touches the fabric from below. With a large brush, moisten the surface of the silk completely, immediately after that they begin to paint, since fine silk dries very quickly. They draw immediately with a brush, without making preliminary sketches. The pattern can be geometric, floral, landscape or portrait. The resulting drips result in a rather interesting painterly effect. After the painting is finished, salt and urea are sprinkled thickly on the damp surface. An interesting result can be when water is sprayed on an already dried surface - for example, from a spray bottle.
Step 3
After the fabric has completely dried, urea and salt are removed from it by shaking off by hand or with a vacuum cleaner. The silk is removed from the frame and prepared for steaming. You can use an ordinary bucket or a special tank, on which a rail is placed on top or a rope is pulled. Materials are selected so that they are not afraid of high temperatures. A silk product is rolled into a tube in linen or cotton fabric, then into newspapers. You can simply wrap it in newspapers, provided that they are not colored and do not stain. The tube with the product inside is rolled up with a pretzel end to end, secured with twine or cord and suspended on a rope or rail lying over the bucket. Water is poured into the bucket to the bottom so that it does not touch the product, and in order to control the boil-off, they put a saucer upside down in the bucket, which will rattle while the water boils. From above, the structure is tightly closed and put on a minimum fire.
Step 4
For steaming, usually 2-2.5 hours are enough. All this time, the water should not boil away, if necessary, open the lid and add it. After the right amount of time has passed, the product is taken out, washed in hot water with the addition of a synthetic detergent, but without the use of bleach and not in a washing machine. Silk is rinsed well and ironed while still wet, setting the iron temperature to the maximum values for the “cotton and linen” mode. Then the edges are processed according to the original plan and the product with the painting is ready.