Usually in December, a cheerful New Year's bustle engulfs everyone in the house, and even the smallest inhabitants express a desire to contribute to the festive decoration of the home. Do not deny them or yourself the pleasure of making a simple craft together - an elegant Christmas tree. The material can be anything that is in the house: paper, and pieces of fabric, and cones, and even food. The main goal is to build a cone-shaped semblance of a Christmas tree out of this good and decorate the structure.

It is necessary
- - corrugated paper / double-sided paper / colored paper;
- - scissors;
- - bulky tape;
- - cork / toothpicks / wooden skewers;
- - glue;
- - beads, sequins;
- - products for edible crafts (marmalade, fruits, etc.).
Step 1
For the smallest craftsmen, the corrugated paper Christmas tree option is suitable. Cut (or tear) the green paper into square pieces of different sizes, from larger to smaller. Make about 15 of these squares
Step 2
Insert a wooden toothpick into a piece of natural cork, and then string squares of corrugated paper with the baby on this base. Let him choose which one is larger and string them in order of decreasing size. It will also turn out to be a wonderful didactic lesson.
Step 3
Glue a couple of beads on top of the tip of a toothpick, or make a star out of foil or colored paper. Decorate the "branches" of the tree with a small amount of shiny sequins.
Step 4
Another simple Christmas tree made of thick double-sided paper for older children. Draw and cut three semicircles out of paper: large, smaller, and smallest. Cut the semicircular edges of each blank into a thin fringe. The longer the paper fringe, the fluffier the herringbone will be. Use a scissor blade to iron the fringe along the face of the paper so that it "curls" upward
Step 5
From these blanks, make three cones by bending the straight sides of the parts in half and gluing them. At the same time, make the approach of the sides to each other on each cone different - on the larger (lower) cone, overlap one centimeter, on the middle one - one and a half centimeters, and on the smaller one - two. The shape of the tree will only benefit from this.
Step 6
Slide the cones one on top of the other (you can stick it on). Decorate the top and branches of the tree as you like.
Step 7
An option similar to the previous one consists in making five tiers of a herringbone from circles with different diameters, evenly decreasing from larger to smaller. Fold each circle four times in half in the same direction (along the radius), and then unfold and correct the directions of some of the folds to create a kind of radial accordion with folds-rays
Step 8
In the center of each tier (except for the topmost one), make a small hole and place them one by one on a wooden skewer, placing pieces of bulk tape between them (thereby leaving a little free space between the tiers). Decorate the craft.
Step 9
And for dessert - a delicious Christmas tree. Stringing thin pieces of green marmalade or jelly, cut in the shape of a star or slices of apples and other fruits, on a toothpick or skewer, you and your baby will get an original and also edible craft. Also, in the shape of a herringbone, you can put any suitable dish on a plate, such as salad, sandwiches, etc.