How To Draw A Swallow

How To Draw A Swallow
How To Draw A Swallow

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Each bird has its own favorite position, in which it looks best and in which it is easiest to recognize it. It is in these poses that birds are most often painted. Unlike many other birds, the light swallow is most often drawn in flight. It is in movement that the shape of its wings and a wonderful forked tail are best visible. Although it can be difficult to keep track of the swallows, these small birds that carry spring to people are too fast in movement.

How to draw a swallow
How to draw a swallow

It is necessary

  • - a sheet of tinted paper;
  • - pencil;
  • - fountain pen;
  • - black and red ink;
  • - a picture with a swallow.


Step 1

Watch the swallows scurrying merrily in the sky. See how perfect their wing shape is - just right for fast flight. The swallow has a long oval body. The lines of connection between the body and the head are almost invisible; the swallow has almost no neck. It seems that nature has done everything to ensure that the flow is perfect, and nothing interferes with the rapid flight. The body and head of a flying swallow can be drawn with one elongated oval.

Step 2

A distinctive feature of the swallow is its forked tail. The outer lines of the tail seem to continue the opposite lines of the body. The bifurcated parts are almost straight and diverge at approximately 30 °. The length of the tail is approximately equal to the length of the body together with the head. Short tail feathers reach about the middle of long feathers.

Step 3

The swallow has very large wings for its size. Their scope is approximately equal to the length of the body and tail. To determine their location, divide the length of the torso, head and tail in half. Divide the line from the middle of the body to the beak in half again. These will be the upper and lower edges of the wings, respectively. The upper edge of the wings runs almost perpendicular to the body. The length of each wing in its upper part is approximately equal to the thickness of the swallow. Draw an auxiliary line perpendicular to the body, and mark the segments of the desired length on it.

Step 4

Draw another auxiliary perpendicular - where the lower edge of the wings will go. The length of each wing in its lower part is approximately equal to the length of the bird's body. Set aside the lengths you want. Looking at a swallow in flight, you can see that the lower edge of its wings is not at all straight. The part of the bottom edge that is closer to the body runs parallel to the top edge, then the wing bends downward. Draw a curve of the desired length. Connect the bottom and top edges of the wings. Draw feathers on the wings.

Step 5

Draw the swallow with ink. If she flies with her back to the viewer, you can limit yourself to a silhouette, marking a speck on the head with red ink. Shade the rest of the body with black ink, trying to convey the shape of the feathers.
