As a child, each child knew how to cut different figures out of paper, as well as make airplanes and launch them into the air. Almost everyone remembers how to fold paper airplanes, but almost no one knows how to fold a paper swallow, which can also fly if you run it up. In order to make a swallow, you need a simple notebook paper or A4 sheet of office paper.

Step 1
Cut the sheet into two parts so that you have an equilateral square and a narrow strip left over from A4 sheet in your hands. Bend the square piece along two diagonals, crossing them in the center, and then bend the square horizontally and then vertically to get transverse folds.
Step 2
Iron the folds and fold the paper with diagonal folds outward and cross folds inward. Fold the two side corners of the top layer of paper up, aligning them with the center line of the resulting triangular shape so that you get a small rhombus in the center of the large triangle. Bend the side edges of the rhombus to the center line so that the rhombus becomes elongated and narrow.
Step 3
Unfold the figure, and then bend the two upper edges of the rhombus to the center line and unfold it again. Now carefully align the resulting four points with each other - the two left points and the two right points should meet in the center.
Step 4
Achieve the desired result - the resulting shape should have sharp ends on the sides, directed to the left and right. Press these tips against the shape and fold them up so that they point towards the apex of the large triangle.
Step 5
Now take the narrow strip of paper that you cut at the very beginning and fold it in half lengthwise. Fold the two upper corners to the center fold, and then with the resulting sharp corner, insert the ponytail strip into the large triangle through its lower pocket.
Step 6
Bend the upper part of the swallow in half away from you to fix it and open the wings and head. Cut the tip of the tail so that it acquires the shape of a fork, resembling the tail of a real swallow.