People born under the zodiac sign Leo are literally children of the Sun. The heavenly body is their patron, bestowing healthy optimism, nobility and strong character. The sign is characterized by a desire to be in the spotlight. And since Lions are the favorites not only of the Sun, but also of numerous friends, it turns out perfectly well.

In childhood, little Lions do not tolerate loneliness. If parents need to leave the house for at least 5 minutes, leaving a child born under this zodiac sign alone at home, do not hesitate - there will be a lot of roar. Dad and mom should foresee in advance such places of rest where you can go with the baby: otherwise, eyes full of supplications await them, and if she is not heeded - a deep childish resentment.
By the age of 10, the child of the zodiac sign Leo makes so many friends that it's time for the parents to resent him: he will not be dragged to the dacha, but joint trips to the cinema, theater, excursions on the day off he will successfully skimp on a plausible pretext. It's simple: the Leo teenager simply has no time. He has at least two meetings scheduled for this very time, which cannot be avoided, because in both cases he gave his word.
Having matured, people of the sign remain optimistic. But more and more often they begin to justify their own sometimes somewhat selfish behavior with the best altruistic motives. In general, the zodiac makes Leo "lucky". They build a career without much difficulty, are wealthy, or at least do not live in poverty. In love, young Lions are more likely "givers". Over the years, life teaches and bestows. Those born under this zodiac sign are distinguished by enviable health. They live to a ripe old age, remaining until the last days "sunny" darlings of fate.