Egregors can be both lower and higher. It is not always easier to connect to the higher egregor than to the lower one. If such an analogy is possible, a person must have a certain "key" to open the door to a certain egregor.

It is necessary
- Set goals and objectives clearly. Why do you want to connect to this particular egregor?
- The ability to develop in oneself certain qualities necessary in order to connect to one's egregor.
Step 1
Let's first figure out what an egregor is. In the modern sense, this is astral-mental matter, representing in the subtle world the interests of a certain group of people united by one goal. There can be an infinite number of such groups and egregors. Egregors differ in strength, their strength depends on the number and energy of people who are included in the egregor. For example, we can say that the family egregor is weaker than the egregor of the country. But at the same time, the family egregor is stronger than the egregor of friendship.
Step 2
Connecting to a certain egregor can resemble a job hiring, an interview with a very serious and demanding employer. Unlike the situation with work, here it will not be possible to dissemble and cunning - they see right through you. And if you do not fit this group, the egregor will remove you and will not let you in, since he is on guard for the interests of the entire group.
Step 3
Each egregor "reads" from you two codes - emotional and mental. means. You should radiate exactly the energy that is characteristic of the very group of people you want to get into. Mental code - you should think like them, use the same turns of speech in conversation. For example, you are attracted to high society, you want to be accepted there. You need to properly study its energy and mentality, absorb it so much that you will be accepted for your own.