How The Flower And Zodiac Horoscope Correlate

How The Flower And Zodiac Horoscope Correlate
How The Flower And Zodiac Horoscope Correlate

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Guided by the zodiac sign, you can choose the right plant for yourself. The presence of this plant in the house will help to reveal your positive qualities and smooth out the negative ones.

How the flower and zodiac horoscope compare
How the flower and zodiac horoscope compare


Step 1

Begonia is able to neutralize negative energy that can be attracted to the hot-tempered Aries. Azalea can make Aries more judicious. Geranium soothes and develops a sense of humor, softens the energy of Aries and makes him kinder.

Step 2

Gloxinia will become an ally of Taurus in achieving material well-being, support him in his achievements. Violet brings wisdom and strength of spirit, which are so necessary for the hardworking Taurus. Cyclamen improves resistance to outside influences, develops independence.

Step 3

Asparagus will help Gemini to bring to life their various ideas, which often remain just words. Tradescantia weaned from envy, endows with the ability to more easily endure failures. Palm trees will help super energetic Gemini to organize and give them confidence.

Step 4

Fuchsia has creative energy, she is able to make the closed Cancer more flexible and more cheerful. Aloe will contribute to the development of fortitude, endow cautious Cancers with determination and patience. Agave brings peace to the home, which is very important for family Cancers.

Step 5

Hibiscus is suitable for Leos, it stimulates to work and is able to open their eyes to the delights of everyday life. Hibiscus will give calmness and smooth out aggression. Calla will strengthen the Lions family union, balsam will create a benevolent atmosphere in the house.

Step 6

Virgos need plants to help them develop their intellectual abilities. The birch tree is able to smooth out the painful perfectionism of Virgos, the monstera organizes thoughts. Aucuba helps modest Virgos to reveal their abilities, dracaena develops speech and helps in the assimilation of knowledge.

Step 7

Hortense will bring dreamy Libra back to reality, give wings to cynics. Chrysanthemum helps to achieve harmony of mind and feelings, dispels doubts and neutralizes selfishness. Croton is able to calm down the creative torment of Libra, will help determine their actions.

Step 8

The energy of cacti will help Scorpios get rid of fits of rage, smooth out their harshness and resentment. Dracaena dragon levels the inferiority complex, does not allow to plunge into a pessimistic mood. She also develops the ability to empathize.

Step 9

Lemon will help smooth out the commercialism of Sagittarius, endow them with independence. Bonsai will make them wiser. Sansevieria helps to cleanse the energy of the house, disposes to creativity. It helps develop a sense of tact in Sagittarius.

Step 10

Yucca helps Capricorns to gather strength, gives confidence and calmness. Ficus relieves them of tearfulness and dependence on other people's support. Dracaena will support the desire of Capricorns for order and organization.

Step 11

Arrowroot will help Aquarius see the main thing in the flow of their hectic life. Indoor maple keeps them in a cheerful mood. Poinsettia develops the communication skills of Aquarius and helps to discover new qualities in oneself.

Step 12

An orchid will help Pisces find harmony, get out of despondency, and overcome laziness. The papyrus contributes to the further development of their intuition and sensitivity. The presence of papyrus in the house will save you from tricks and deceptions.
