How To Tie A Pattern

How To Tie A Pattern
How To Tie A Pattern

Table of contents:


Knit a pattern to trim a handbag or shawl? Or choose a pattern for a new cardigan, scarf, sundress or even a swimsuit? Needlewomen, masterfully using crochet or knitting needles, intuitively select the right pattern for each new product.

Knitting pattern
Knitting pattern

It is necessary

  • - hook
  • - knitting needles
  • - yarn


Step 1

It is quite difficult for inexperienced knitters to knit a complex pattern for a large thing the first time. Therefore, for a start, it is advisable to knit a test pattern, making sure on the sample that the knitting pattern fits the planned model, and the threads and the hook or knitting needles are correctly selected in thickness.

Step 2

It is best to knit a tight pattern for a scarf or cardigan with knitting needles. The simplest and at the same time beautiful pattern with knitting needles ("plaits" and "braids") is knitted by moving two, three or four loops, bordering the bundle with purl loops. In order to knit a pattern of bundles, the first three loops are removed on an additional knitting needle and placed before work, while the next three loops are knitted with a front knit, then the loops are knitted from an additional knitting needle. The more loops are removed and knitted on a separate knitting needle, the thicker the tourniquet is.

Harness pattern
Harness pattern

Step 3

You can knit patterns without the help of complex manipulations with loops and knitting methods. To knit brightly colored patterns, you only need threads of different colors. The simplest color patterns are stripes. In order to knit patterns with stripes, you need to knit two or three rows in one color, then change the yarn to another color, knitting the same number of rows with threads of a different color. The number of rows knitted with different colors can be varied, obtaining stripes of different thicknesses.

Striped pattern
Striped pattern

Step 4

Crocheting patterns is much easier than knitting. And there are much more options for crocheting patterns. Crocheted patterns with tubercles are very beautiful. For patterns with bumps when knitting with a double crochet, the hook is inserted between the posts, tying the air loops. Tying the tubercle, the hook is also inserted between the posts.

How to tie a pattern
How to tie a pattern

Step 5

You can invent and crochet a pattern on your own, without using a special scheme. However, this requires skills in working with different types of knitting and the ability to combine a pattern with background knitting. Learning to crochet or knit patterns is most convenient on simple things such as scarves, napkins, capes or shawls. For knitting openwork and patterned dresses, sweaters, booties, swimsuits, berets, handbags, skirts and suits, it is advisable to practice for a month or two on samples.
