Howrard Winchester Hawks was born in the spring of 1896. His parents were quite wealthy people and were constantly, purposefully engaged in raising their son.

When Hawkes was still young, his parents decided to send him to a private privileged school called Phillips Academy. It was a polytechnic institute. The young man chose the Faculty of Technology for himself. He received a decent education. Later, the war began, and the young man embarked on the path of a soldier. Throughout his life, he was interested in aviation, then he shot a couple of serious films on this topic.
Howard's career
When Howard was demobilized, he gradually began pursuing his career. He worked not only as an assistant, was also an amazing producer, and even a subtitle writer, and even a screenwriter for a large number of films. In 1926 he also became a director for the Fox Film Company. Howard Hawks became world famous by the cult film "A Girl in Every Port". He was engaged in filming in 1928. If we talk about true success, then it came along with the sound film. The young man mastered several genres at once.

Howard was constantly embarrassed if someone did not criticize him, but praised him too much for new films. He really did not like to be in noisy and cheerful companies. In his free time, the young and incredibly talented young man preferred to relax with a friend named Clark Gable, he constantly drove around in racing cars and motorcycles. Howard himself was remembered only at a time when his new cult works periodically appeared on the big screens.

The young man worked exclusively according to his mood. Literally day after day, he conducted numerous rehearsals. At the very beginning, the actors read a large number of texts, then they replayed the scenes several times. This went on until the scenes began to suit him. Hawkes himself, from his youth, was a rather unusual and eccentric person. As soon as other producers appeared on the stage, he preferred to just watch what was happening, then after a while he announced a break, and then continued to work frantically, but only after all the visitors had left.
Film "Scarface"
The painting "Scarface" in a rather interesting style plays up interesting facts from the life of Al Capone himself, known as a gangster. At the moment, there is still a legend telling that this crime boss personally approved the script of the film.
Howard Hawks played the picture in a rather unusual style, telling first of all about the relationship between Al Capone and his sister, because they were covered with a shadow of incest. To release this picture for hire, the creators had to work on the picture for a long time, constantly negotiate with critics. Many consider this picture to be extremely brutal, but film historians believe that the released version is in fact a modified version. It could have been much worse.
If we talk about critics, they expressed different opinions about this picture. The film is considered by many to be incredibly dark, cruel, and there is a lot of violence in it. The mixture of comedy and horror genre is also frightening. Scarface is currently considered one of the best gangster movies.
Face with a scar
The picture begins with the murder of the king of the underworld. The perpetrator of this crime was Tony Camonte, and the customer was a crime boss named Johnny Lovo. Throughout the whole picture, Camonte believed that with a gun in hand, absolutely any issue could be resolved.
This film is considered by many to be a verdict for the American mafia, the director, through this picture, wanted to accuse the authorities of absolute indifference to the constantly growing threats not only to universal freedom, but also to security in the world. The film is full of real events, and the goal is one direct question to the government: "What are you going to do with the crime bosses?"

Howard occasionally contributed to his scripts, but he also managed to work with a large number of texts, and the best writers of his time. He collaborated with William Faulkner himself. Howard has created a huge number of tapes over the years. This and various eccentric comedies: "His girlfriend is Friday", "Bringing up a baby", to various westerns called "Rio Bravo" and "Red River". But his films were not recognized in the American academy.
Further destiny
The famous Hawkes has authored numerous films. He was considered the most gifted representative of classical cinema. But even with all his professionalism, he, unfortunately, could not adapt to the new situation, and then completely stopped working in cinema. Some time after the collapse of his own career, he was awarded an Oscar for his contribution to the art of cinema. He died in the winter of 1977, when Hawkes was vacationing at his own Palm Springs home. His personal life did not work out in the best way.

Unfortunately, many still consider Hawkes' work to be too cruel, although he created beautiful paintings in the genre of humor. His work is still underestimated all over the world. But the author himself did not strive for serious achievements, he worked for the sake of the process itself, but not for the sake of profit and rewards. He wanted films to delight people and bring a spark to their lives, he also shot a lot about love.