How Marilyn Monroe Died

How Marilyn Monroe Died
How Marilyn Monroe Died

More than half a century has passed since the death of Marilyn Monroe, but the circumstances of her death still excite many minds. The official version of the death of the famous movie star of the last century is suicide. But is this really so or are there pitfalls?

Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe

Death of Monroe: prerequisites, official version

The date of death of Marilyn Monroe (real name - Norma Jean Baker) is August 5, 1962.

1961 turned out to be especially difficult psychologically for the famous film star. First, the marriage with her third husband, Arthur Miller, fell apart, then the last film with her participation was criticized to smithereens. As a result of the dramatic events, Monroe began a deep and prolonged depression. She almost never left her home in Brentwood, sat on sedatives and sleeping pills.

In the summer of 1962, the actress was supposed to star in the comedy "Something Has Got to Happen," but she almost never appeared on the set, which is why the film crew canceled her contract on June 8th.

According to the testimony of the housekeeper Marilyn Monroe - Eunice Murray - the actress went to bed early on August 4, 1962, citing fatigue. She took her phone with her and called many of her acquaintances that evening.

After midnight, Eunice woke up and noticed that the lights were still on in the hostess's bedroom and the door was locked. Going out into the garden and looking out the window of Marilyn's room, she saw that she was lying motionless on her bed. The housekeeper immediately called doctors: psychoanalyst Ralph Greenson and actress Hyman Engelberg's personal doctor.

Greenson, arriving first, broke down the door and found Monroe dead. She had a telephone receiver in her hands, next to her was an empty jar of sleeping pills, and on the bedside table were 14 empty bottles of other medicines. The film actress did not leave a suicide note.

Soon a personal doctor arrived. He pronounced death. Monroe's body was sent to the morgue. Autopsy showed acute barbiturate poisoning. In the police report, the probable cause of death was suicide.


Hypotheses about the death of Marilyn Monroe

Many believe that the official version of Marilyn Monroe's death is not true. This led to the emergence of several hypotheses about the demise of the star of the last century. Let's consider the most popular ones.

Medical negligence

In 2015, a documentary was released, the authors of which named her personal doctor, Hyman Engelberg, the main culprit in Monroe's death. The doctor prescribed two powerful sleeping pills to the actress - chloral hydrate and nembutal. Studies have shown that the simultaneous use of these two drugs negatively affects the respiratory system and can be fatal, which happened to Marilyn. Allegedly, Nembutal was prescribed by a doctor to the actress 2 days before her death, and before that she had already been taking chloral hydrate for a long time. Engelberg himself, who died in 2005, denied his involvement in the death of Monroe, during investigations he claimed that these dangerous drugs were not prescribed to them.


Conspiracy of the psychoanalyst and the housekeeper

Another hypothesis is also associated with the above drugs. According to this hypothesis, the actress was prescribed medication by psychiatrist Ralph Greenson - chloral hydrate after Nembutal. He saw Monroe as a good source of profit and treating her for a mental disorder was not at all profitable for his wallet. Shortly before her death, Marilyn received a marriage proposal from her ex-second husband Joe DiMaggio and answered him with consent. The wedding was scheduled for August 8th. A marriage between Monroe and DiMaggio would have robbed Greenson of a client and money. Therefore, it was probably he who pumped the actress with these drugs.

The medical examination showed that the barbiturates could not get into the body of Monroe orally, there were no marks of the injection either. One option is an enema. The housekeeper Eunice Murray helped Greenson with her - she felt obligated to him, since she got a job in the house of the film star with his help. After the death of the star, the police came to the call. They were called late, as they probably removed the traces of the crime and initiated suicide. At the moment the police arrived, the housekeeper was washing the sheet, apparently to remove the traces of the enema and destroy the material evidence.

CIA hitman

In April 2015, 78-year-old Norman Hodges, a former CIA officer, made a shocking dying confession. The old man confessed to 37 contract killings committed in 1959-1972 on the instructions of his organization. Among them was the murder of Marilyn Monroe. The actress was convicted of having an affair with the Kennedy brothers and Fidel Castro and probably received valuable information that she could convey to the communists. The authorities, of course, did not need it. Therefore, they preferred to get rid of the film star by initiating her suicide. Norman Hodges entered Monroe's bedroom at night and injected her with a mixture of nembutal and chloral hydrate.

It is difficult to name whether this version is reliable or not, since there are no supporting documents. The same can be said for the previous two hypotheses. Therefore, the secret of Marilyn's death remains unsolved.
