The premiere of the action-adventure movie "Clash of the Titans" took place in Russia in 2010. The film was directed by Louis Leterrier, the author of such popular films as "The Incredible Hulk" and "Transporter 2". His new work also attracted great interest from the audience. However, not everyone had time to watch the film in cinemas. Therefore, now many are interested in the plot of "Clash of the Titans" to decide whether to buy the DVD version.

The painting by Louis Leterrier is a remake of the film of the same name, which was already released in 1981. That Clash of the Titans was directed by Ray Harrihausen. But in his time it was not yet possible to achieve the stunning special effects that the new tape abounds in.
Filming of the updated "Clash of the Titans" began in 2002. But in the course of work, Lawrence Kasdan had to rewrite the script several times, adjusting to the changing demands of the producers. As a result, the dense filming process began only in 2009. But a year later, the picture was released and made excellent box office receipts. It fully recouped the funds spent on production (more than $ 80 million) and even made a profit.
So what is the plot of the movie? Fisherman Spyros catches a chest from the sea. In it, in the hands of a dead woman, is a living baby. Spyros and his wife save the child and raise him as a son, calling him Perseus. He will be the main character of the picture.
Years pass, Perseus becomes an adult. One day, the whole family is sailing down the river in a boat and sees how the soldiers destroy the statue of Zeus, declaring war on the gods of Olympus. Angry celestials send furies to kill monsters. They pounce on the warriors who defiled the sculpture, then unite into one and turn into Hades. During the battle, the boat in which Perseus is with his family drowns, his adoptive father and mother are killed, and he himself is saved.
Further, the hero finds himself in the palace of King Kefei, where he sees his beautiful daughter Andromeda, and from the ruler of the underworld, Hades learns the secret of his birth. It turns out that he is the son of the great Zeus and the earthly woman Danae. God took the form of her husband Acrisius and took possession of the woman. The husband ordered the execution of his wife and newborn child. They were thrown into the sea.
Perseus decides to end the tyranny of the cruel gods by agreeing to the proposal of the good goddess Io, who has been watching him since his birth. Hades, in turn, plans to destroy Perseus. He endows Acrisius with superhuman strength and sends him on a quest.
Throughout the whole picture, amazing adventures take place with the hero. He receives wonderful gifts, meets witches and djinn, fights with people and gods, takes the side of some celestials opposing others, at the last moment avoids insidious traps, kills the monstrous Medusa Gorgon, falls into the underworld of the dead.
Zeus invites his son to live with the gods on Olympus, but he refuses. He saves Andromeda, whom they want to sacrifice to the gods. In gratitude, she, who has become the rightful queen, asks him to stay with her to rule together. But Perseus also refuses this. He wants to live like an ordinary person.
The picture turned out to be very beautiful and exciting. The role of Perseus is played by Sam Worthington. Also in "Clash of the Titans" starred Rife Fiennes, Jama Arterton, Danny Houston and other great actors.