How To Return A Yo-yo

How To Return A Yo-yo
How To Return A Yo-yo

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A yo-yo is nothing more than an ordinary toy, which is a small wide spool with a thread wound around its core. Playing with a yo-yo is mesmerizing for both adults and children with a calming, stress-relieving effect.

Yo-yo is great at relieving stress
Yo-yo is great at relieving stress

It is necessary

  • - yo-yo toy
  • - some time to exercise


Step 1

A beginner who picks up a yo-yo for the first time may be slightly confused. Especially if he has already seen actions with this object from the outside. In the wrong hands, the game seems so simple, his thread gets tangled, unwinds with great difficulty, and does not want to wind up on his own at all.

Step 2

To playfully handle the yo-yo, cut the thread on it to a size that suits you. Stand up straight, unwind the thread, hold it in your hands, and place the spool on the floor between your legs. Cut the thread at the height of your navel, make a small loop at the end of it. Wrap the thread around your middle finger, pull it through the loop. The thread should fit comfortably between the first and second joints of the toe.

Step 3

Take the yo-yo in your hands, wind the thread onto the spool. Now you have to master the correct throw. Throw the yo-yo down lightly, but with some speed. The toy must not reach the floor and hit it.

Step 4

Once the yo-yo is fully unrolled, make a slight upward motion with your hand. Under the influence of inertia, the toy will begin to rise up, winding the thread on the spool. You just have to catch the yo-yo with your hand, throw it down again, pull the thread up again, catch the toy, and so on ad infinitum.
