How To Play Farm Frenzy

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How To Play Farm Frenzy
How To Play Farm Frenzy

Video: How To Play Farm Frenzy

Video: How To Play Farm Frenzy
Video: FARM FRENZY - Free full game 2024, October

The game "Farm Frenzy" will help you spend your leisure time in an interesting way and feel like the owners of a livestock farm. In order for it not to be unprofitable and generate income, you need to know how to play and what to pay special attention to.

How to play
How to play


Step 1

After you loaded the game, it opened, in front of you on the monitor screen are portraits of a cow, a cat and a dog. These and other animals in Farm Frenzy will help you make your virtual farm a success. Enter your name in the field that opens and start passing the first stage.

Step 2

Pay attention to the details of the opened picture. A timer is set at the top right, look at it if you want to complete the task on time and get a gold or silver badge for it. Without waiting for a reward, you can complete the level much longer - the time is not limited. Next to this window there is another one, here it is drawn what exactly you should do at this stage. So, on the first you need to get 4 eggs from the ducks.

Step 3

If you don't have enough money to buy a bird, catch and sell bears when they appear. In any case, click on each clubfoot 3 times, then you will automatically enclose them in strong cages. At the beginning of the first level, you already have 2 ducks and 170 gold in-game coins. To make the birds feel good, laying eggs, move the mouse arrow over the well and click on it, 19 coins will be removed for this. But it will fill with water. When this happens, move the cursor over the empty places of the field, press your finger on the left mouse button, at the same second the grass will grow here, which is what the birds need.

Step 4

They will lay 4 eggs quickly. Immediately move the mouse cursor over all the eggs in turn and click on its left half so that they will automatically go to the warehouse, otherwise they will disappear after a few seconds. This also applies to other products that you subsequently receive from sheep and cows.

Step 5

After easy tasks, you can move on to more difficult ones. Use the proceeds to buy an egg powder plant. When you need to make this dry concentrate, click on the egg in the warehouse, it will instantly be at the plant and will soon turn into egg powder. Use the left mouse button to immediately send it to the warehouse. When you have accumulated the necessary funds, buy a bakery, a sheep wool cloth factory. The cheese dairy will bring the most income, as 1 round of cheese in Farm Frenzy costs as much as 8000 coins.

Step 6

But the proceeds should not be piled up, buy improvements with them. A simple well is not enough to water a large herd. Spare no expense, build a large well or a water tower with one or three clicks of the mouse.

Step 7

Upgrade your car so that it can instantly take you to sell livestock products and come back with money. At many stages, the purchase of cats and dogs is justified. The first will help to collect food, the second - to protect animals from gluttonous bears.

Step 8

Do not forget to look into the store as you accumulate funds, here you will purchase factories, factories, the improvements you need, including a huge warehouse, butter churn, spinning mill, etc.

Step 9

At the end of the passage of all levels, pleasant rewards await you: for capturing 100 bears, for completely improving all buildings, for collecting 500 products, for a million coins in the bank, and so on. But don't forget that Farm Frenzy is a game. You should not linger in the virtual world for a long time, it is better to quickly apply the knowledge gained, the skills of quick reaction, ingenuity, and thrift in real life.
