Which Minecraft Is The Best

Which Minecraft Is The Best
Which Minecraft Is The Best

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The very popular "sandbox" Minecraft has existed for only a few years, but for such a short period it has managed to acquire more than one million fans around the planet. She was repeatedly recognized on the relevant resources as the "Game of the Year". Meanwhile, her fans themselves still argue which of several dozen of her versions turned out to be the best.

Interesting mobs await gamers in any version of Minecraft
Interesting mobs await gamers in any version of Minecraft

It is necessary

  • - installer for the corresponding version of the game
  • - installation file for Minecraft Forge


Step 1

If you are still a beginner in "mining" and are just starting to master the cubic expanses of a well-known game, it will be extremely difficult for you to decide on the choice of a specific version of it. Follow the advice of many experienced gamers (as well as the administration of various servers and other portals related to Minecraft) - download and install on your computer Minecraft 1.7.3 Beta, released back in July 2011. Install Minecraft Forge along with it - this program will come in handy when you want to try out some mods.

Step 2

Start the game and enjoy. Check out some interesting gameplay features in 1.7.3 Beta. Here you will have access to one of the most frequently used mechanisms - the piston (it was just here that it was added at one time). Try to build various devices with it - including traps for virtual villains - griefers that can damage your character, virtual property and buildings. Stock up on iron ingots, cobblestone, redstone dust, and any planks to craft pistons. Place the latter in the upper horizontal row of the workbench, put an ingot in its central slot, red dust under it, and occupy the remaining four cells with cobblestone blocks.

Step 3

Try to move ice blocks with crafted pistons and rejoice in the fact that such an action - unlike what happened in previous versions of the game - now does not cause the emergence of crushing streams of water. This bug was fixed exactly in 1.7.3 Beta - however, as well as many other shortcomings. If you have ever watched the gameplay in previous versions, you will probably note that in the current one there is no formation of purple particles due to doors, the crash of the Minecraft client program due to the installation of plates in front of the pistons, problems with the inclusion of the latter when they are located in the center of any chain, and etc.

Step 4

You will also find reasons for grief here. Surely you will be upset that in 1.7.3 Beta, the electric rails will no longer function on their own - they will definitely need to be activated (for example, using track sections with pressure plates). In addition, if you dare to put the paintings in front of the pistons, you will only break them. Also, now you will not be able to copy red torches and various blocks with the above mechanisms - in earlier versions, such a bug brought gamers a lot of joy (how else could they still multiply valuable resources - like diamonds?).

Step 5

Prefer newer versions of a popular game? Try to install Minecraft 1.8.1, praised by many seasoned gamers. Here you will find a fix for some bugs - for example, certain changes in the appearance of mines, as well as the absence of a "crash" from the game when you press a combination of the left mouse button and Shift when exiting the dispenser or with a full chest / inventory. Have fun with some uncorrected gameplay flaws. For example, watch the rain passing through solid blocks into houses and caves, as well as how food is instantly consumed if you try to open a chest while holding it in your hand.
