Weapons are indispensable in any FPS or 3d action. However, in different games, control layouts and gameplay features differ significantly, therefore it is often difficult to understand how to switch weapons.

Step 1
In classic games of the period 1990-2004, the tendency of "keeping all weapons with the player" persisted. In other words, you had the opportunity to shoot in turn at least from each "gun" throughout the game. Accordingly, the control configuration was sharpened for fast switching without lists. The most convenient option was to use the "1-9" keys on the keyboard (not the Numpad on the right), while the weapon power ranged from 1 to 9, respectively.
Step 2
The "1-9" system was developed and somewhat reduced with the advent of "Half-life". There, weapons began to be grouped into classes: melee, pistols, machine guns. Accordingly, the list of keys was reduced to a maximum of five ("1-5"), but at the same time you had to press each button 2 three times in order to select the "Desert Eagle" from the "pistols". By the way, the same system was inherited by the legendary "Counter-Strike". At about the same time, it became possible to scroll through everything with the mouse wheel (only in those years did it begin to appear).
Step 3
Since 2005, people have played more with gamepads and therefore it has become impossible to have many buttons. The developers answered the question "how to switch weapons" simply - they reduced this list to two or three units. On the one hand, this was a clear restriction of the player's freedom, but on the other hand, it became possible to include 20 and 50 means of lethality in the game. With this type of gameplay, weapon switching is "hung" on a couple of "forward" "back" buttons. On a PC, this is most often a mouse wheel, or on Q and E. On gamepads, the choice of weapons "hangs" on the crosspiece (arrows in different directions).
Step 4
A similar system is used in 3D Action and slashers. To increase the dynamics, the developers prefer to allow switching (from, at times, a rather large list of options) weapons only at control points and in special places. And during the level, everything switches within 4 units - on the cross, or on the shifts (buttons on the far side of the joystick, under the index finger). It should be noted that playing the keyboard in this case is rather inconvenient and poorly adapted, so even PC players buy gamepads and play with them.
Step 5
Of course, the easiest way to determine how to switch weapons yourself is through the control settings (the exit to which is usually made through the main menu-> settings). Only in rare cases is it impossible to change the original layout, and then you will need a special configurator program that can be easily found on the game forums. The program is placed in the folder with the game, and before starting the action itself, even in Windows, you define the layout that is convenient for you.